Motorized Market In Order example essay topic

582 words
Executive summary the gift in case that one becomes related with a company, the Cannondale Corporation, leader in the market of the bicycles of great performance. Betting in the innovation and the quality, the Cannondale has been enters the most sanctioned companies of the sector, having already profits some pr " emits for the performance and high quality of its products. Its related bicycles and products, are available for the whole world, but they are manufactured manually in the United States of America, fact this used to advantage to be the image of mark of the company (? Handmade in the USA). This report intends to be an analysis and complete evaluation to the current state of the Cannondale, such as also to the market in which the company if it inserts and its direct competitors. In the external evaluation, the main influential factors in the industry and the market of the bicycles of high gamma had been characterized.

Through the model of Porter it was possible to verify the strong existing competition in the market. The Driving Forces and the strategical movements of the rivals had been also described. Through the internal evaluation, it was possible to know the situation of the company, its strategical position and more the value financial that possess in relation its competitors. In order to synthesize all the relative information to this company, is presented a picture SWOT. To finish they had been presented and chosen some possible strategies in order to use to advantage potentials market chances. These proposals represent our vision on the current situation of the company and the form as this must act in the market to keep its level of success.

2 Presentation of the Company? Cannondale Sede ada Corporation in the United States and created in 1971 for Joe Montgomery (current CEO), the Cannondale Corporation, since early bet in the conquest and innovation of the market of the bicycles. Thus it made it, then in 1972, launching the first bicycle with tow (The Bugger). To reach its objectives, the Cannondale adopt ou a philosophy that passes basically for producing products of high quality, innovating its production and to give a good service to the customer. Producing and drawing many of its components, the company obtained a vertical integration of its line of production and plane ou its machines in order that the production of its products could flexibilizar.

The Cannondale is especially known by its aluminum pictures, fruit of specialized inquiry and tests of raised severity. Currently the company offers about 71 models of bicycles, all they of raised quality and certifications of the ability and prestige of the Cannondale. More recently she direccionou herself for the motorized market in order to take off advantages of the knowledge that makes use on the technologies and the use of materials (in special aluminum) with that it works. All its plants are located in American territory. 3 Definition of the Problem Resolver Keeping a privileged position in the market of the bicycles of high quality, the Cannondale considers to increase it the profits, to consolidate its statute and, if possible, to become enlarged themselves to reach new markets and chances. In concrete, the recent expansion for the motorized sector exists, where the Cannondale is inexperienced, it has little experience and where it intends to conquer a good quota of market.