Move Text Within The Document example essay topic
Do you know what the file extensions mean? Do you know the difference between 'save' and 'save as' and when to use them? Can you browse your computer and attach a document to your email or to your Blackboard posting? Can you find your way around the Blackboard site and use the tools and read the documents? Discussion board, email, etc? Can you copy images and text off of the Internet / and place them in a document?
Can you explain what the different Internet tools are for? Browsers, plug-ins, search engines, etc? Hardware and software for accessing and reading on the Internet? Do you know some of the differences between search engines? Can you name several search engines and what they do?
How they do it differently? (hint: you can find some of this information in the Blackboard external links page we looked at in class. ). Can you read and follow directions carefully and with attention to detail? Have you used the CDROM to learn the material in the Practical PC? Word Tutorial 1. Start and exit Word.
Identify the components of the Word Window. Choose commands using the toolbar's and menus. Create and edit a document. Enter the date with Auto Complete. Correct spelling errors with Auto Correct. Scroll through a document.
Save, preview, and print a document. Record properties for a document. Use the Word Help system to get help. Word Tutorial 2. Open, rename, and save a previously saved document. Check spelling and grammar.
Move the insertion point around the document. Select and delete text. Reverse edits using the Undo and Redo commands. Move text within the document. Find and replace text. Change margins, line spacing, alignment, and paragraph indents.
Copy formatting with the Format Painter. Emphasize points with bullets, numbering, boldface, underlining, and italics. Change fonts and adjust font sizes. Word Tutorial 3. Topic.
Where to find it. Set tab stops. Divide a documents into sections. Change the vertical alignment of a section. Center a page between the top and bottom margins.
Create a header with page numbers. Create a table. Sort the rows in a table. Modify a table's structure. Total a column of numbers with Auto Sum. Format a table.
Word Chapter 4. Identify desktop-publishing features. Create a title with Word Art. Create a newspaper-style columns. Insert clip art. Wrap text around a graphic.
Incorporate drop caps. Use symbols and special typographic characters. Add a page number.