Moves Minds example essay topic
I believe the people in this park are real. But, how can I know this The first question to answer might be, what does it mean to know This is a valid question, but I don't intend to answer it. For now I will assume that whatever it is that I can recall from my mind's memory, I know. For instance, I know this pencil is composed of matter.
I know this paper is composed of matter. So, now the question again arises... Is this pencil and paper real The immediate answer which I do not wish to contest with is, yes. But why Well, first its made of matter. As I look arround the park I see people, statues, architecture, earth, sky, and manny other things. Is it matter that makes something real.
I think not necesarrily, but all things composed of matter are real. This is because I can react with them. Things that I can't react, or act upon cannot be real right So now I've established a small chunk of what is real in my life. Now what about the people What is it about people or any living composition of matter that makes them move I understand, that muscles move bodies, nervous systems move muscles, minds moves nervous systems, but what moves minds I was stumped for a very long time, where I had become very unproductive, sitting looking at the park, wondering what moves the mind. Shortly after I thought the park would provide no answer for me, a couple came walking in through the south archway. I thought to my self, "its kinda cool to see two strangers (to me, not eachother) in love, talking, sharing moments, communicating.
Then I some lyrics popped into my head, "reestablish communication". it was a song by Tool, one of my favorite bands. Then I started singing their songs, "watch the tower topple down". .".. then a power comes along and sets two common souls in motion... ."THATS IT... ".
I thought to myself in overwhelming self approval. "Souls are what moves the mind!" I felt like a damned genious. So, the soul is something that is real. Two souls can react with eachother, I just saw it happen moments ago. It was now that I made an observation about reality.
Things become real, only through action, If something is not acting, or being acted upon, regardless of its material make up, it can't be real. I believe I have found an answer that is satisfactory and sufficient for today's observations. Maybe tomorrow I will go to a different park and contemplate further, but for now I will leave you with a abstractly related quote from my book of observations. Maybe this quote will be the topic of my next observation.
"Our world is defined through a finite set of human interactions of the mind. As far as I have observed, the human mind cannot comprehend the infinite. God himself is said to be infinite. This means that the human mind cannot possibly comprehend the existance of God. Geez e, bad news for Buh dists!" - not so famous moder philosopher Brian James Foss.