Mr Spaces For The Children's Murder example essay topic
In other words, Medea claims that she took drastic measures in order to retaliate against her husband for leaving her alone in the world, but it was the only way that she could truly finish him and make everyone think about they way the world is run today. When the case is taken to trial Antigone takes an excessive amount of criticism and beating from her friends and colleagues as well as the media. She is said to be inhuman and her prerogative to why she has chosen to defend this demand woman, Medea is questioned. In addition, her place in society as a prominent 'female' attorney is disregarded because her moral and ethical values are questioned. Yet, despite these terrible things, Antigone holds her head up high and walks into the courtroom determined to defend her client as best she could. In this courtroom it is inexplicable to anyone how somebody could murder her own children to teach her husband a lesson, every individual has forgotten their oath and placed their own personal opinion into their work, including Judge Good.
Before starting, Antigone turns to the Chorus for moral support. In reply they tell her to do her job as she has in the past, and to remember what is the true reason why she has decided to take this case. The Chorus also tells her that she is a strong woman she should believe in herself as she has done her entire life. Antigone: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the jury.
I am here today to represent my client Medea in the case of Medea vs. Daniel Spaces. My client pleas guilty to the murder of both of her children as well as to the murder of the new Mrs. Spaces. Although your honor, I would like to add that my client's actions were derived from her husbands. My client's intentions were not only to hurt her husband but to show society how distorted they truly are. Since the beginning of time women have been degraded and disregarded. They have never been given the value and respect that they deserve.
If it were not for women, there would be no society because women are the ones that bore children, which then grow up to be the worlds leaders. Also, please take into consideration that regardless of how bias the court system claims to be, it will never fail that a woman's actions will be judged more cruelly than that of a man. Antigone: Thank you your honor. Creon: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen of the jury! Creon: As prosecutor, I am here today to represent my client Daniel Spaces. Mr. Spaces is a man of honesty.
He is one who says that he did nothing wrong. He simply fell out of love with his wife just as he had once before fallen in love with her. He also says that just because he was no longer in love with his wife, that this does not constitute a reason for Medea to have murdered anybody. Your honor this woman (Medea) is simply crazy she does not even deserve a fair trial, she simply deserves to die for taking away the life of her children. The questioning begins. Medea is asked to step up for questioning.
Antigone hesitate to ask Medea what was the motive behind her actions. But regardless of her personal opinion, Antigone new that she had to place her feelings aside and continue with the questioning. Antigone: Medea, did you murder your children? Medea: Yes. Antigone: Did you murder Mr. Spaces fiancee?
Medea: Yes. Antigone: What was the reason behind these dreadful actions that you have chose to take? Medea: I do not justify my actions, but I do know that it is the only way that he will pay for what he has done to me. Now he is left alone to sob in his own sorrow. He claims to have loved me at one point in time, yet in reality if he did, or if he loved his children, then he would not have left us the way he did. Antigone: What else were you trying to prove Medea?
Medea: I want the world to know that even though I am considered inhuman for murdering my own children, it hurts me too to know that they are gone. Medea: But, ultimately I am saying something about the world today. Women do not have a say in anything nor are they respected in any sense. Medea: If their own husband does not respect them then who will?
Medea: Nobody Medea: My point is that I was not about to let Daniel make a fool out of me and let the whole world scorn and ridicule me after. Medea: Instead, I retaliated and took away everything that meant anything to him. Medea: Now, instead of ridiculing me, the world could sit back and analyzed what type of society they live in. Antigone: I have no further questions your honor. Creon cross-examines Medea. Creon: Well, Medea it sure seems like you made a spectacle of yourself.
Although, I'm not too sure your point was grasped! Creon: You know the one about making the world think a bit about their standard of living. Don't you think that is being a bit hypocritical, the fact that you murdered your children and yet you want everyone else to think their actions better, and respect women for their stature. Medea: It is women like you that give women a bad reputation, Medea. Women that murder their own children in order to get back at their husbands.
Creon: Please explain to the court exactly what point you think you proved by murdering your own children? Medea: You MORON Judge Good: Medea, you will respect this courtroom and speak in an adequate manner! Judge Good: Do you understand me? Medea: Yes your Honor. I am sorry your Honor. Judge Good: You may proceed.
Medea: Well Creon, that is the whole point my actions are to be used as an example of the terror that exists in this world today! Creon: You see! ladies and gentlemen of the jury this woman is crazy! Creon: I rest my case! Judge Good: You may step down Medea. Judge Good: Thank you. Daniel Spaces is put up on the stand and interrogated.
Creon: How did Medea act when she was your wife? Creon: Was she a good wife? Was she good to the children? How was she overall? Mr. Spaces: Medea was a very outgoing person.
She got along with everyone. That is what attracted me to her in the first place. The only thing is that it got to a point were she began to be very protective of me and ask many questions, referring to where I was going or what I was going to do. Mr. Spaces: She always had the children bathed, well dressed and very well taken care of. I could not complain, she was a great mother until she murdered them? Creon: What is it that you think drove you away from your wife, Mr. Spaces?
Daniel Spaces hesitate and pauses. Mr. Spaces: What drove me away is that she was always on my case about not spending any time with your children. I, I, I mean that... The courtroom was amazed. Judge Good: Order in the courtroom. Creon: That what Mr. Spaces?
Mr. Spaces: What I meant to say is that she always tried to use the children as an excuse to get on my case. Creon: Clearly your Honor, my client chose the wrong words to express himself. Creon: I have no further questions, your Honor. Judge Good: You may be seated, thank you. Antigone cross-examines Daniel Spaces. This is her chance to nail him because he made a huge mistake.
Antigone: So, Mr. Spaces from what I could gather, Medea was a good mom to your children and a good wife and then you were the one who was never around and the one who truly drove Medea to her insanity. Creon: No, you don't understand... Antigone: Mr. Spaces you have proven to the court that you are a liar and a cheat. You also managed to prove to the court that Medea did / does love her children and that her actions are not exactly justifiable but under the circumstances, her reasons should be taken under consideration.
Antigone: Thank you, your Honor I think that Mr. Spaces has made my case for me. Judge Good: Creon, do you have anything further to say? Creon; No your Honor! Judge Good; Well then there being no further business discussed, the Court is now ready for both closing statements. Creon: Well ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I will make this short and sweet for you. My client is completely innocent and he is not responsible for the actions taken by Medea.
From what has been seen in the courtroom today, there is nothing that seems more rational, than the death sentence for Medea as well as that her death consists of painful suffering. Antigone: The court has seen with their own eyes what a unfit individual Mr. Spaces is to be a father and that he is not only a liar but a thief as well. He robbed his children of good parenting long before their death by not being there for them and now he tries to convict Medea of something that he is guilty of himself, that is terrible parenting skills. Antigone: Your Honor, I do not ask for the court to understand my clients actions but I do ask that the court would consider my client's reasons in that it was not only her way of retaliating against Mr. Spaces, but it was also her way of showing society how wrong they are in the norms that they abide by. Antigone: I also ask that the Court please consider punishing Mr. Spaces for the children's murder as well as that of his new bride. If my client will die, then Mr. Spaces surely deserves a place next to her, given that he is the creator of the whole mess to begin with.
Judge Good: The court will now take a short recess while the Jury decides upon a verdict. While the court is in recess the other partner of Theban Associates approach Antigone and inform her that they have voted to exclude her from partnership. She may continue with this case but after this case she is no longer a partner of Theban Associates because of all the embarrassment that she has caused them. They also claim that this she rade will cause them to loose many clients thank to her. Antigone is now left alone but at least she knows that she fought for what she believed in even though it has caused her, her job. The only thing that troubles her now is what fate will bring Medea, the woman who compromised her life to show humanity how wrong they are by degrading women, which are the true founders of society.
End of Sene I.