Music And Operas Of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart example essay topic

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Mozart was considered to be the best musician / composer of all time. Mozart was a genius when it came music and composing, he was said that no other could rival him and to this day people still say that he is the best. The reason why I choose to do Mozart is the fact I do believe he is the best musician / composer of all time, and his life story is of a tragic but gifted young soul. Later on you will find out about his family, his teachings, his tragedies, and of course his accomplishments. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, Jan. 27 1756.

His parents were Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Maria Perl. His dad like Mozart was a successful composer, violinist and assistant concertmaster at the Salzburg court. He also had an older sister, Maria Anna (who was nicknamed 'Nannerl') she played in some concerts with her brother when they were kids. With his mother he traveled to France, where he composed the Paris Symphony (1778) but he was unable to find a permanent position.

Sadly he mother died in Paris. Much later in his life his father died in Austria May 17, 1787. Wolfgang started composing minuets at the astonishing age 5. When he was the age 6 his sister and he performed concerts in all the major cities all across Europe.

Both were pianist but later on Mozart also became a violinist. His dad was a bit abusive to him because he was always drunk and made him practice all day and all night on the piano so that at age five he was able to perform those amazing minuets for the courts. In 1762 both the children played in Vienna for the Empress Maria Theresa and her husband Emperor Francis. For the next three years the two traveled and played for audiences in Germany, Paris, Versailles, and London. London was where Mozart created his first symphony and also is where he became friends with Johann Christian Bach, which had a huge impact on the influence of music on Mozart.

Bach helped Mozart in many ways, he took him in and taught him songs and Mozart was able to replay the songs or tunes right after he heard them without having to look at the music and then continues the song and makes it his own. No matter how hard something was Mozart was able to overcome, he was able to think up rhythms and chords that none have ever thought of, he was able to make such grand music that people would think of him as a god. Later in his life Amadeus was married to his beautiful wife Constance Weber, she was from Germany and this brought much dismay to his father, which detested the whole marriage. As I have already mentioned Bach was his friend in fact he was probably the only true friend Amadeus ever had. Of course he had admirers and people he would attend parties with but none of them were his true friends. Mozart started his work at the age of six with his sister but later he left and set out on his own and started again in London once he met he mentor Bach.

His first works and pieces started in Paris where he wrote four sonata's in 1964 and in 1968 he composed his first opera La Finta Semplice, which had its premiere in Salzburg. La Finta Semplice was definitely a masterpiece and set his career in motion, it was said to never leave the audience feeling empty and never disappointed. Amadeus created many pieces of work that brought him great fame but played a bad role on his health, so many works of his were success's that the people wanted more and more which kept him awake most of the nights never getting sleep or eat. Later on his father Leopold and Wolfgang undertook a tour through Italy in 1769-70.

This trip to Italy began a new opera known as Mithridate, re di Pon to, which was created for Milan. In two more journeys too Italy two more operas were composed for Milan which were Asca nio in Alba 1771 and Lucio Silla 1772. After the new Archbishop Von Colloredo made Amadeus as a concertmaster at a token salary. In this way Amadeus was forced to create countless works of art.

Later on to escape and secure a better position outside of Salzburg he was granted permission to undergo another journey to France in 1777. To France he took his mother and there he composed the Paris Symphony in 1778 but unfortunately wasn't able to secure a stable position. Unfortunately in paris is where his mother died at. Seeing how he couldn't obtain a better position he was forced to go back to Salzburg where he was appointed the position of court organist in 1779 where he produced a series of church works including his famous Coronation Mass. Later on he was ordered to compose a new opera for Munich Idomeneo in 1781, which showed he was a consummate master of opera seria. Shortly after Colloredo dismissed him after a series of arguments.

In 1782 he wrote The Abduction from the Seraglio, his concerts were of course great successes. Because of his great accomplishments the emperor, Joseph II made him his court composer. While there he met his wife and they got married. Together they went to Vienna where he composed he greatest work of all time though it was never completed the Kyrie and Gloria of Mozart's great Mass in C Minor. His greatest success however was that of Le Nozze di Figaro created in 1786.

Sadly his famed started a major decline after Figaro and had only one last opera that was a success. Don Giovanni was the opera that gained him some lost respect in 1987. Sadly this was also the year that his dad died. Mozart's true masterpiece a requiem was never finished due to his death. He was very ill at the time and he himself could not write down his own music he had Bach help him out with it but Bach himself had troubles of keeping up with Mozart's pace. Some say that Mozart was poisoned but later on was proven that he was not but because of this rumor his wife received none of his wealth or fortunes.

He died Dec. 5 1791 from rheumatic fever, a disease which he had suffered from repeatedly through out his life. Sadly he was not liked very much as a person and had a lonely death with a cheap funeral in an unmarked grave but at that time it was illegal to have a marked grave unless you were part of the church or were of noble blood. From what I have told in this report I hope you can realize the important of this great man and the music that he has made and why I choose him to do this paper on. Maybe now you will take a greater look at the classical music and especially the music and operas of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.