Music And The Television example essay topic
It is possible for children to be pulled into the television's realistic world of violence with sometimes devastating results. The impact of television violence on youth behavior has been an issue for many years. Violent programs on television lead to negative behavior by children and teenagers who watch those programs. The causal effect of television violence on aggression, even though it is not very large, exists. Jackass for one is a good example on kid's influences to do bad things.
They see people doing things so they believe its ok for them to do, but they end up 6 feet under or paralyzed for life. With the explicitness of sex on television expresses young adults to go out and have sex. That's why we have such uproar in population. Sex In the City, and Friends express that to children's eyes all over, and they get that in their heads that they can be like the people they see.
In today's world it's not about being ourselves, it's about trying to be like other people. When kids hear a certain music group or a performer like Eminem and Britney Spears, they get visions in their heads that they can be them. Britney spears dresses like a slut, acts like a slut, and then gets mad when people call her a slut. Girls growing up see that and try to be that, in which they get raped or assaulted by the way they dress. Eminem raps about drugs, beating women, and other explicit content.
In their eyes it's just music, but in society's eyes, it's a matter of life or death. If we could abolish these in society, we wouldn't have kids being murdered, or kids committing suicidal acts because of what they hear. I'm not trying to bring anyone down for what they believe in, but that is the way it's got to be. Hollywood in today's life evolves around lies, sex, and death. When the movie Natural Born Killers was released, kids were going around killing others just because of what they saw in the movie. Genocidal acts were being committed, meaning certain races were being killed for a certain persons ism, or belief.
Movies influence all the bad things that can and will eventually happen. Superman made kids put on capes and jump out of windows, just because they thought they could fly. Were not helping society in any way by creating such movies as the ones I mentioned. All we are doing is aging it on for things like that to happen. In the end, our husbands, wives, boyfriends, and girlfriends are killing our children and friends by putting out the movies, the music, and the television shows that we see or hear everyday. We are like the Michel Jordan of basketball, the Randy Moss of football, and the Hank Aaron of baseball; we think we are unstoppable.
But in reality, we are nothing, just actual human beings living everyday lives. People enjoy the money that is being brought in, but they don't realize what is going on in society except for the commission they make on the viewing of those terms. If people would understand the real reasons of life, and why we do things, they would live cold lives and have to pop pills just to realize what exactly they have done to people's lives.