Music Complements Science And Mathematics example essay topic

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Many educators would agree that music has the ability to unlock doors for young children to learn the various aspects of mathematics. The relationship of the two subjects can be traced back to the early stages of ancient history where they were taught together, unlike a majority of America's public schools. Fortunately, there are public schools beginning to recognize this close relationship once again and have developed lesson plans that teach mathematics, science and music in a much more conjunctive nature. Studies have proven time and time again that this is an excellent learning system to develop because children introduced to music at an early age have a higher rate of mathematical comprehension.

The National Association for Music Education (MENC) has compiled statistical information proving how well students have done when applying musical overtones to mathematical studies. A study of 237 second grade children used piano keyboard training and newly designed math software to demonstrate improvement in math skills. The group scored 27% higher on proportional math and fractions tests than children that used only the math software (web 2005). These numbers hold true as students progress through school without regard to the students background. MENC continues to back their argument with the following: In an analysis of U.S. Department of Education data on more than 25,000 secondary school students (NELS: 88, National Education Longitudinal Survey), researchers found that students who report consistent high levels of involvement in instrumental music over the middle and high school years show "significantly higher levels of mathematics proficiency by grade 12". This observation holds regardless of students's ocio-economic status, and differences in those who are involved with instrumental music vs. those who are not is more significant over time (2005).

Being able to understand mathematics, regardless of the instruments used to teach it, is futile unless the student is able to follow through with their new found knowledge and achieve the grades they are capable of. MENC follows through with their research by stating that data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 showed that music participants received more academic honors and awards than non-music students, and that the percentage of music participants receiving As and Bs was higher than the percentage of non- participants receiving those grades (2005). Clearly, the research performed by the National Association for Music Education goes above and beyond the materials needed to prove the success that can be achieved when students are exposed to music along side their other core subjects. With the success rate of students who are involved with music becoming wide spread common knowledge, many schools are now offering more in-depth music programs and have found ways of integrating music directly into the lessons of other subjects. Additionally, music teachers have been tasked with teaming up along side teachers from other departments in order to come up with musical activities for children. Ruth Argabright addressed this issue in her article Connecting with Music". ... since children love music, we become natural funnels for integrating other areas of learning.

When other curricular areas are integrated with music, learning in these areas becomes more meaningful for students. Classroom teachers often use music as a "connector" in their teaching because they have found that music is an invaluable teaching tool. As a result, students receive a more rounded education (Winter, 2005)". Argabright also goes on in her article to name a few of the excellent ways music will help children understand the early concepts of mathematics. "Music is known to contribute to a child's total education and influence other areas of the curriculum by enhancing spatial reasoning ability, a key for unlocking math and developing the scientific mind, developing the ability to understand and use symbols in new contexts, helping students discover how to use mathematics in new ways, developing decoding and interpretation skills, increasing vocabulary and language skills, discovering and developing personal creativity, allowing students to exercise problem-solving skills, and encouraging students to develop self-discipline (Winter, 2005)".

Some specific ideas shared in her paper include building graphs to keep track of how often words show up in lyrics, building spreadsheets with data on musical tastes in the class room, and counting how many different types of notes show up on a sheet of music and how often (Winter, 2005). Bear Creek Elementary School takes Ruth Argabright's ideas one step further by implementing music into the heart of their structure. This school is "a dynamic, innovative focus school that emphasizes the multi-faceted cognitive and conceptual connections among mathematics, science and music" (web 2005). Through a close knit relationship with the University of Colorado, this elementary school has developed an excellent point of view.

Music shares many conceptual elements with math and science. For example, the concepts of structure, change and interaction are underlying themes that permeate all three areas. Other examples include patterns of rhythm and pitch, the mathematics of notation and the science of sound. Music complements science and mathematics because it nurtures different modes of reasoning and extends the scientific explanation of reality with a heightened affective component.

The idea of including music with math and science stemmed from the coalescence of several factors. These were: the national attention gained by research about the benefits of music study, an awareness of notable University of Colorado professors who also were skilled musicians, and the increasing number of music majors who successfully pursued double majors. There is extensive research to support the value of integrating subject matter in elementary school. Instead of teaching each subject as if it were unconnected to other disciplines, the integrated curriculum helps students recognize the meaningful relationships across subject areas. The nature of an integrated curriculum provides students with greater and more meaningful opportunities to develop and use critical thinking skills. Just as important, an integrated curriculum encourages greater motivation to learn because students are engaged in activities that present subject matter in more creative and personally meaningful ways (web 2005) Bear Creek also shares an excellent example of how music can be integrated with mathematics and science.

The study of insects will be explored through connected studies in mathematics, music and science. The children will acquire a dynamic understanding of insects as they discover information through mathematical explorations, including communicating, comparing, and organizing; through scientific observations and research; and, through musical expressions, including listening, performing, and composing. Children will learn about insects through the different disciplines by learning about the habitats of different insects (science), graphing the different habitats (math), and listening to compositions such as "The Flight of the Bumblebee", which was inspired by insects (music). While learning about life cycles, children will record on time lines and calendars.

When studying physical characteristics, children will make graphs, use the principle of symmetry to make drawings, and measure to make observations more accurate. In music, they will apply their knowledge about the sounds insects produce by performing pitch and patterns with voice and instruments. Flight paths of insects will be depicted through melody and tempo in selected symphonic compositions. In science, students will learn about insects by observing (writing), researching (reading), and reporting (speaking and listening) (web 2005). Bear Creek Elementary school's action regarding the cohesiveness of mathematics and the arts is exemplary. With leadership such as this, students will have an opportunity to grasp the relationship of mathematics and music that ancient Greek philosophers started teaching hundreds of years ago.

Granted, the complexities of Ancient Greek philosophy is far more complex than what young children are learning in school. However, Plato and Aristotle considered music to be something more than the warm and fuzzy romantic expressions we hear on the radio today; to them, music was math (web 1998). Research has clearly shown the potential for students to excel when an emphasis is placed on the integration of music in to their education. Studies paint a promising picture for the relationship of mathematics and music, and teachers have found real life ways to implement this powerful unity in their classrooms. When examples such as the curriculum from Bear Creek Elementary are available, there is no excuse for denying children such a promising opportunity to expand their chance for success.


Argabright, R (Winter, 2005).
Connecting with music. General Music Today, 18 (2) 5. Retrieved May 15, 2005, from EBSCO research database.
Bear Creek Elementary School Website. Retrieved May 15, 2005 from http: web J.
February, 1998).
Arithmetic of the soul. Retrieved May 15, 2005 from web.