Music Files example essay topic

474 words
Computer Network Support A type of technology that will impact the future is downloading music from the Internet onto your hard drive. This will impact because almost everyone has a computer with the Internet and the ones that don't will probably end up getting one because they " re so useful. This form of getting music might make CD's and cassette tapes obsolete eventually. Along with the Internet, more and more computers are getting CD burning devices with them or if the computer doesn't have one they can be bought pretty cheap nowadays. The reason this form of getting music might outdo CD's is because it's more cost effective. The only costs that would need to be accounted for are the workers running the server if that's even needed.

With making a CD, machines and factories are needed and people to run those are needed. This way people can also get a variety of music that they want and put whatever songs onto a CD that they want. I hate buying a CD then listening to it and only liking one or two songs. I feel ripped off but I can't return it because the CD is opened now. This will also keep the artist to be forced to make more good songs to be published on the websites. This form of getting music is out there already, but it's 'illegal' and you don't have to pay for it usually.

A few websites were you can download multimedia from online is web and web If it were made into a formal way to get music, it would be much more used than it is now and it could be regulated so no copyright laws were infringed upon. It's a great idea to do music because you can trade you files with your friends if they find a song that you had no idea was good. Although I believe it's a good form to trade music, there are ways around paying for the files, I'm sure, but people steal from the stores as well so there are always some quirks. Another problem would be if you get a song that you thought was another so now you have the wrong song. One way around that is have a ten to thirty second sample of each song available for immediate hearing. This way you can find out which song it is that you want and you can even discover new songs that you like and didn't know it.

This way of trading music files is good now, but I think it would be even better if it were monitored and regulated by officials or music labels. It's just useless to have this technology and not utilize it..