My Attention To Detail Strength example essay topic

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Here I go inventorying and revealing my strengths and weaknesses for the sake of completing a college course. I have participated in self-examination exercises before and the return for my efforts in such exercises has been rewarding every time. I usually do not have a problem owning my assets and liabilities for the benefit of personal growth. I say "usually", because being human, I am not always in the mood to take actions that stimulate my personal growth. I am hesitant to expose my inner-self in the process of writing this paper.

This may be due in part to the requirements of writing this assignment; required formatting, mechanics, and a dictated length of this paper. I will let my objectives here be to hold your attention and inform you, while I search and possibly get to know myself more deeply. Strengths I possess various strengths at many different levels. I will attempt to touch upon a few without letting the length of this paper get out of control.

I need to mention my attention to details. This very well may be my most noteworthy strength. I carry this characteristic into every area that my true interests take me. It does not matter if I am washing the dishes immediately after dinner, paying my bills in a timely manner, or getting out of bed at exactly the same time every morning to get to work on time, I am like a human atomic clock when tending to duties that are important to me.

I am, usually, very open about how I am feeling. If I am happy or dissatisfied with something, you will not have to guess. My facial expressions alone are uninhibited, and are an easy read as to what is going on inside my head. Usually a verbal expression of my feelings follows. Of course, this tends to get me into a little trouble now and then, though it serves as a terrific stress buster. I must also write about having many routines.

Routines allow me to complete tasks and access a high level of personal comfort. Every Wednesday evening I am doing laundry. I keep this time reserved from all other activities, and as a result, I always have clean laundry, and my weekends are left open for other things. I will also boast that I rarely lose my car keys. I always return them to the same place when they are not in use, and "viola" they are always right where I want them to be.

Career-Oriented Abilities and Skills I manage a radio communications repair and installation shop for Verizon. I have held the same job with my current employer for eighteen years. During this time period I have been able to acquire an abundance of job-related abilities and skills. The first one that comes to my mind pertains to my ability to remember how certain "fixes" are applied to correct past problems. I am usually able to quickly recall how I corrected a problem in the past, and when I see an identical or similar symptom, I apply the proper resolution to the problem. I will touch upon my attention to detail strength again at this point.

My attention to detail skills allows me to manage the daily business of the repair shop to a degree that my customers are rarely dissatisfied. For example: When a radio gets worked on, I insist on logging the work completed into a detailed maintenance history database for future reference. I have coached and trained all current and prior co-workers to do the same. Weaknesses I will say that my greatest weakness is self-centered ness. My incessant focus on "me" is something that I have just recently become aware of.

Awareness of my selfishness was sparked by participating in self-examination exercises that I mentioned in the introduction of this paper. Now that I am aware, it is a matter of becoming willing to do something about it. Another glaring weakness that I possess is being a perfectionist. I find myself either beginning a task that I know I can complete with excellence, or avoiding a task for fear of failure. Carter, Bishop, Kravits, Bradbury, and Wheeler (1999) state that, "Being able to do something flawlessly is not a requirement for trying" (p. 54). These are words of advice that I could heed for continued personal growth.

Balance I would like to discuss my experiences and understanding of personal balance. I am not talking about walking and chewing gum at the same time here. I am talking about preventing a strength of mine from becoming a weakness, and being able to recognize it if it does. This occurs when I fall so deeply into a routine, that I insist on carrying out the routine, regardless of whose toes I step on.

There was a time when I would telephone my wife at her place of employment to remind her it was bathroom cleaning and laundry night. You see, Wednesday night was the night I did our laundry and my wife usually cleaned the bathroom. She despised this chore, and I was as rigid as a fence post on it getting done that night. I would call or email her with an indirect reminder of what I expected her to get completed that evening. This really annoyed her.

So what if the bathroom goes an extra day or more before it gets cleaned? Here my asset of being routine driven became a burden on another. Therefore, balance is a state for me to constantly strive for. A forgotten acquaintance of mine commented, "When I get too far off the beam, I become unpleasant to be around" (unknown, n. d.

). Conclusion So that should about do it. I have listed my prominent strengths, my career-oriented abilities and skills, and my glaring weaknesses. Self-examination for me has always resulted in personal growth, even if the growth has been minute. So I believe this paper has contributed to my growth, and I hope you, as a result of reading this paper, have a better understanding of who I am.


Carter, C., Bishop, J., Kravits, S., Bradbury, M.J., & Wheeler, J. (1999). Keys to success: A supplementary reader (Custom ed., University of Phoenix). Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing.