My Dad's House For The Weekend example essay topic

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Dad and I were very close, but, at the same time I was growing up and I thought that going to my dad's house for the weekend was getting boring. All I wanted to do was hang out with my friends, not go to his house. He was cool with it just as long as he could see me for a few hours before I went to my friends house. So what I would do is ring him up Wednesday or Thursday and tell him whether or not I was coming up to his house!! He started to get annoyed because he never saw me! Thats when the fights started, he would yell at me everytime I went to his house, then I would come home in tears because he would only yell at me!!

Mum got married in 2000 to Leo. When it was dads weekend, Mum and Leo would pick us up from school, then drop us off at dads house. Leo and Dad would have a beer and Mum would go inside and make a coffee. It was really good that Mum, Leo and Dad got along well, not many kids could say that their step dad and father could talk and have a drink together without any fights.

This continued for at least 6-8 months, Mum and Dad had a best friend relationship after they broke up seven years ago. Until... His new girlfriend came into his life, that's when it all changed. He always said that we come before anything else, but his girlfriend had 3 kids of her own, so he would do stuff for them and when we came down we would have to give up our beds for them. It was ok at the start, but then it got to the point when I couldn't stand it anymore.

So I told dad and he promised my brother and I that we could sleep in our own beds, but we didnt, so I went to my friends house. Dad and Jodlyn had been going out for a few months, it was all lovey dovey at first until they had thier first fight. OMG it was really scary. Jodlyn threatened to kill dad, she said all of this in front of my brother and I!! They split up for awhile and when my brother and I went to dad's, all he would do is call her and tell her to come back. I was thinking I could be out with my friends instead of being down hear listening to him sulking, it was really pathetic!!

It started to get to the point when they turned to drugs. My brother is an asthmatic and with the smell of smoke in the house and on their clothes my brother could have had an asthma attack. But my father didnt seem to care, because he would keep doing it. It was coming up to Christmas 2001 and I hadn't seen my father for about 2 months. I called him up and told him that I'm coming up to spend some time with him because I missed him. He said to me " I hope your not just coming down for the presents', I got really cut.

I couldn't believe that he actually said that to me, he was always saying to me 'I want to see you', and then I tell him that I'm coming down and he says that. After Christmas, mum and Leo had had enough of having to pick up the pieces when I came home from his house in tears. So they told my brother and I that we weren't going to see him anymore until he got rid of the drugs in the house. My brother was really upset, he thought it was really unfair that we couldn't see dad because of what he was doing to himself and us.

He was crying so much that he made me cry. He ran into the bathroom, I went after him but he pushed me away. I tried so hard to calm him down but he wouldn't let me. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't need this in his life he is only 9 years old!! Cain doesn't really talk about dad these days only if he is feeling upset which is hardly ever, so thats ok.

I think about dad alot, I think its because I understand more about the drugs which he is using and Cain doesn't understand my fathers drug abuse. I can still remember today what happened when I started to get depressed. It all started when my boy and I were always fighting and I started to slit my wrists. I would cover my writs up with sweatbands so nobody could see the cuts. I didn't tell anybody what I was doing because I knew they would ask questions and probably send me to see someone. Lewis saw them one day because I slept at his house.

I took them off to have a shower and he was yelling at me. We ended up breaking up, that didn't really help me. It just caused me to get more depressed, becuase I loved Lewis so much, that it hurt me to have to break up with him. My choices were to stay with him and fight all the time or break up with him and that would be one less thing to have to worry about, even though it killed me to have to break up with him.

I thought it would be better for both of us. I nearly ended up killing myself over that. Fathers Day 2002, I wrote dad a letter telling him how i felt about everything, but I don't know if he got it because his girlfriend might not have given it to him. I told him that I hated his girlfriend with a passion and that he either gave up his drugs while Cain and I were there for the weekend or he will never see us again. I didn't tell mum that I wrote the letter, I still don't know why I didn't tell her. His birthday is 9 days before mine, so I thought i'd ring him up and wish him a Happy Birthday and see what he's been up to, I said to him 'my birthday is soon, I can't wait' then he goes 'how old are you? your turning 12', I was like 'no, i'm turning 14'.

I told mum and she said ' he's probably doped up' I agreed. My birthday came so quick after that, I was waiting all day for a call off him but nothing. I asked my boyfriend to come over so I could keep my mind of dad not calling. I was really quiet about him not calling, but Lewis knew I was waiting for him to call, because everytime the phone rang I would think it was my dad. But today, I know that I have a mother who loves my brother and I very much and would do anything for us. A step-dad who is always there if we need him and he also loves us and is there to protect us... my dad, Well I hope to see him soon? ?