My Favorite Saint example essay topic

326 words
Report My favorite is St. Teresa of Availa who I the patron saint of people in need of grace. Such as sickly people, those who have loss their parents, and. I chose her as my favorite saint because her childhood self reminds me of my present day self, and here's why. She was born March 28, 1515, as a sickly baby. She was a Spanish noble, the daughter of Don Alonso Sanchez de Cep eda and Do~na Beatriz. She grew up reading the lives of the saints, and playing in the garden.

She hated killing small animals even if it was for food. She was, as a child, considered very similar to a modern day "tree hugger". She was home schooled because of her illnesses, She had a series of flush, that at that time was much more serious because they didn't have the medicine we have now. When she was 12 her mother died, and she turned to Mary as a sort of replacement Mother.

At the age of 17 she wanted to become a nun, but her strict father was opposed to it. So she ran away from home, and finally her family consented. Soon after she joined her order she became sickly yet again. She came down with malaria, and also had a rather ghastly series of.

Though her own life seemed a bit pitiful, she always took pti y and tried to help others. She never really fully recovered from her illnesses, but that was because they didn't have the right medicinal supplies back then. She thought her house, the Carmelite house, was strict enough so she later on joined the convent of John the Availa. There she spent the rest of her days in happiness, She was canonized on March 12 1622, but was proclaimed a doctrine of the church on September 27, 1920.