My Grandfather For The Car Loan example essay topic

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"Love Means Never Having to Say You " re Sorry". Essay #3 Draft - Nicole My childhood years were very lonely at times, for I did not have any siblings to play with. I spent most of my time with my maternal grandparents. We always lived close enough to my grandparents that I could walk to their house on a daily basis. When I was four years old my grandparents moved away to Florida. I spent my summers and most major holidays with them in Florida.

I went every summer like clockwork. Days after school let out I would be on an airplane flying into the Tampa airport. My summers turned into great adventures traveling and site seeing many places. I always felt so loved and secure when I was with my grandfather.

He was more like the father that I never had. When my grandfather and I were together we were inseparable day or night. My only mental memories as a child are with my grandfather. My childhood was truly lived when I was with him. I was my grandfather's "Little Angel". Things changed when I became a teenager.

My last summer visit with him was when I was 15 years old. When I was sixteen, the engine in my car blew up. I did not have the money to buy another car, so I asked my grandfather if I could borrow some money. My grandfather said that he would "loan" me the money, but I would have to pay him back.

I agreed to the terms and took the money with no hesitation; needless to say, I never paid him back. When I did not pay back my grandfather for the car loan he was very disappointed. My reneging on the deal closed a door on the relationship between my grandfather and I. One that I would never open again. My grandfather became very sick with emphysema and struggled with the sickness for 6 years, so much that at times he would be holding onto life by a machine and had tubs breathing for him. He was always such a strong man emotionally and physically that seeing him in this condition saddened me. I knew that his life here on earth would soon be ending, so I managed to visit a few more times, not near as many as I should have.

Life had dealt me a few wild cards and I felt as though I had let my grandfather down. I was ashamed. Visiting with my grandfather was always a constant reminder of my mistakes in life. I soon began to wonder if I was still my grandfathers "Little Angel". In March of 2004, the day before my grandfathers 75th birthday, my mother called to inform me that he was not doing so well and had slipped into a coma. The doctors believed that his time had come and that he would not be returning home or even awakening.

I packed a small duffle bag of personal items and immediately headed to Blairsville, Ga... I cried the whole way to Georgia. I kept thinking about how I never apologized to my grandfather for never paying him back for the car loan or how I didn't keep in touch with him like I used to when I was younger. The whole way to Georgia all I could do was think about all the chances I had to rekindle my relationship with my grandfather and never did.

When I arrived at the hospital I was informed by the nurse that my grandfather had awakened earlier for my family who had just left to get a bite to eat. Now was my time to talk to my grandfather. When I walked into the room and saw him laying there fighting for every breath he took, I froze. I could not think about anything, nevertheless speak.

He looked up at me with a beautiful smile, so I smiled back. I sat on the corner of the bed and looked him in his eyes and told him that I loved him and gently kissed his forehead. He answered with "You " ll always be grandpa's little angel". That night he passed away. Although I regret not being able to tell him how sorry I was and how much he meant to me, I knew that he loved me and he knew that I was sorry.