My Mom example essay topic

477 words
Ashley N. Jeffers So you want a secret do you, Well I'll give you a secret. Every night I met with Sean In the woods about twelve midnight. Or how about Gentry, In his barn just two hours later. And the whole town thought they knew me, We " ll they don't! And no matter what you say, I am not the towns bicycle. By the way, if you feel the need to call me a whore, Beware the fires of hell torching your pretty little home.

Benjamin S. Junior I knew I had made a mistake, I should " ve stopped after the first shot. It was dark, I could " ve stated That I was deer hunting, So that's why I took a shot. It was an accident, I would say. These poor idiots would " ve believed me. But no!

It wasn't enough, not in my mind, He wasn't dead. So I took another shot. And even one more. At that time I had a good idea he was gone, But that still wasn't enough. The pain he put me through, Beating me constantly, whenever he could, Especially when my mother wasn't home. I walked up to his rotting corpse And shouted, "You will never touch me again!" All of this, right before I put One last shell in his face!

Craig A. McRae I have lived many years, And have seen many things. Sitting on my porch at three o'clockWatching the neighborhood children play stick ball. Gone to and have held town parties, And even played cards with the elders. Ahh yes, the great times in this peaceful neighborhood. I guess you can say I led the perfect life. Well, when you do good deeds for others, Good things will come to you in return.

Steven L. Johnson I have seen more than anyone would like. I love my parents very much, But I hate them at the same time. My dad only drank because my mom was always yelling. But... my mom was always yelling because my dad drank.

It was horrible. While my dad was in the bathroom My mom pulled out this little vial And poured this clear liquid in my dad's glass I later learned she got it from Doc. He loved it, said it tasted great, So why did he have to die? My mom was so happy But I couldn't let her get away with it. So I turned her in, And she was hanged three days later. I guess no one in the town wanted The child of two screw-up sSo they stoned me, Like I was the chosen one Out of the Lottery..