My Presentation And Communication Skills example essay topic

815 words
As a new student of the University of Phoenix, I have recently taken the opportunity to reflect upon my past life and professional experiences, examine my strengths and weaknesses and contemplate my priorities in both my career and personal life. Doing so has prompted me to set goals and objectives not only for educational experience, but also for my career and personal life. A broad view of these goals include improving my communication and presentation skills, earning my degree, using it to my advantage, building my self confidence and making my family proud. I am excited about expanding my knowledge and marketability by earning the credentials so many employers now require of their candidates.

In the past, and even in some present situations, I find myself very self conscious about my qualifications. In my present career, I am occasionally required to meet with high level business executives. My role is a consultative one intended to provide tailored solutions to a diverse client base. I present materials, products and services in order to help my customers better manage their business.

Improving not only my credentials, but also my presentation and communication skills is crucial to achieving success in my field. In addition to achieving success in my career, being a role model to my family is also of high importance to me. My view is that if I can accomplish this new endeavor at thirty-four years of age, while working full time and being a loving and involved wife, mother and step-parent; there is no obstacle that my children cannot overcome. They have their lives laid out in front of them, and they are filled with choices and opportunities. I want them to make wise choices and take advantage of the opportunities that come their way while they are still young and free of family and financial obligations.

Recent experiences in the job market have proven to me just how important it is to have a degree in Business. At the age of thirty, I had my first child. Although I have been a step-parent of three for years, this came to be an eye opening experience. After having my son, I resigned from my position as an Inside Sales Manager and stayed home with my child for the next year and a half. When I decided to return to work, the economy had taken a turn for the worst and the job market was flooded with candidates more qualified than myself. Needless to say, this made finding a job (let alone my dream job) a challenge.

Prior to this I had never had to look for a job for more than a few weeks before finding a satisfying position. After, six months of canvassing internet job postings and sending out countless resumes, I received few interviews and even fewer offers. I was told time and again by potential employers that they were only considering degree applicants. These comments left me with deep feelings of inadequacy.

During this six month period, I had much time to re-evaluate my priorities and outlook on the future. I was then determined to return to school, earn my degree and never again let an opportunity pass me by simply because I was academically under qualified. Fortunately, before I had completely lost hope, I was able to find a somewhat rewarding position with a Fortune 500 company. However, even though I managed to secure a position as an Account Manager lacking a degree in Business, there is no possibility for advancement without one. Although I have learned a great deal about business in my current position, the most important realization that I have made is that I know both more and less than I thought I did. By comparing my performance to that of my peers, I have discovered I have some skills that they lack, and lack some skills that they have.

For example, I am adaptable to nearly any type of environment or situation, which allows me the flexibility to be comfortable talking to many different levels of people. I am also very well versed in computers and very comfortable using them. On the other hand, I sometimes have trouble trying to stay focused and manage my time effectively. My goal is to use the skills that I have to help me improve the areas that need development. In conclusion, I intend to invest my time wisely here at the University of Phoenix. I plan to improve my areas of weakness and polish my strengths.

I hope to come away with a better understanding of business practices, a sense of pride and accomplishment, and the ability to manage my career and life more effectively..