My Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication example essay topic

311 words
November 12, 1999 To whom it may Concern, Over a year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in all extremities. As the months passed, even while on medication, it became more and more difficult to move. During the month of June, I was treated at the Palm Bay Community Hospital, on an out patient basis, for a cyst on my back, between my shoulder blades. Because of this surgery, I had to stop working. I could no longer afford to pay for the room I rented and had to move in with my mother, sharing her rented room. On July 8, 1999 it is my understanding, that I had taken a seizure.

I was in a semi-conscious state for four days. When I awoke, I was told they discovered a mass growing on the right side of my brain. At this time, it became necessary to stop all my Rheumatoid Arthritis medication while the doctors tried to find the cause of the growth. It was determined I had a very rare Brain Fungus on the right side of my brain that needed immediate surgery. The surgery removed as much of the growth as possible.

I am now on excessively large dose of antibiotics, a daily dose of Dilantin, and a small dose of my Rheumatoid Medication. Since my surgery, my mobility has decreased substantially. I am now unable to move without some sort of assistance. Due to the Above mentioned afflictions, I am unable to work.

I have applied for Social Security Disability. I am presently waiting for their determination of my case. Until S.S.I. comes, I do not have any means to pay any medical expenses. I would appreciate any help you may give me in this matter.