Myers Briggs Type Indicator example essay topic

925 words
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator helps people figure out the type of learning style and personality they prefer to work with and learn from most. For myself, it reported to me that my type was ENT. E on the indicator refers to extravert which is how people obtain their energy. N stands for intuitive which is referring to how you rather look for possibilities than to work with solid facts. T which stands for thinking and it is the method of thinking using facts versus personal values. J is the letter representing judging.

This suggests the type of life style you live and the work habits we use day to day. Using the Myers-Briggs Indicator can tell a person where he / she is strong in some learning style areas and weak in other areas in their day to day interaction with other people. Extravert means something different on the indicator than a person not socializing. It means how people get their energy, whether it is from other people or from an internal source. The report said that I get my energy from other people. While in college I, myself being an extravert and getting my energy from others can be helpful sometimes and other times not so helpful when trying to get an assignment done.

It is helpful because it reveals I like to talk and be social able but I also like to party too much. Extravert seem to have a hard time concentrating on homework and find that college assignments can be a difficult task to complete. Being an extravert means I do not have a hard time talking to people but I do not always have the easiest time completing tasks and assignments. Intuitive is the second term the Myers-Briggs Indicator discovered. N is the letter that symbolizes intuitive on the report. It shows how I would rather see known facts versus basing a decision off of personal beliefs.

I am more creative when it comes to ideas and solutions to problems. Unlike most people I work in bursts of energy instead of a steady pace. Most intuitive people always ask why before they ask anything else. I think it would help me in college because if I ask why or just any question it makes my teacher and student relationship much better.

It shows I am cautious about my work and I do care about the class I am attending. The biggest benefit from the intuitive preference is the fact that I am creative in my work and come up with new original ideas. The third type that was revealed from the indicator was T which stands for thinking. This category shows if people use logic or reasoning for their methods of thinking.

I follow my head and not my heart when making decisions. In college this could be a good thing when it comes to making decisions about doing assignments now or later. My head tells me to do the paper now when my heart wants to go hiking outside on a nice day. Thinkers seem to be more blunt but very fair when making decisions. These types of people are the people who seem to be in the position to make negative effecting decisions in corporations and large businesses. Being a thinking person in college is a good and bad thing because your heart is not always right but saying what you think and being blunt does not help you most of the time.

J is the last type which stands for judging. A judging person feels as if they control their own world. They are usually very decisive and well organized. In college this is a great benefit because being well organized and able to make a decision helps a lot while completing class assignments. They also like to plan ahead and have everything go as planned. However when something goes wrong and not as planned this type of people usually are lost and get very frustrated quickly.

A person in the judging category likes working on one thing at a time. This is not a good thing for college because people who can multitask seem to have an easier time getting through college. Being organized and focusing on one thing at a time helps a lot in college and also through day to day life. The Myers-Briggs Indicator is a helpful tool to figure out your own learning style. Being an extravert helps me when in a situation where I have to meet new people. Also revealed on the indicator I was an N which stands for intuitive.

This means I use intuition more than facts to make an important decision. Being a T which means a thinking person I use more logic and reasoning than personal feelings. At college this is good because I use my head more than my heart when trying to make a decision. The last type reported on the indicator was J which is judging. Judging on the indicator means I am more organized and I like planning more than spontaneous decisions.

Overall the Myers-Briggs is a great example of different learning styles however, it does not tell you the type of person you are nor how you would react in ever situation.