Negative Effects Of Technology example essay topic

618 words
With the development of technology, that the affects of technology are not always positive is generally accepted by public. Technology itself is a two-edged weapon, so it is impossible to hope that technology will only do good to human society and social development. Instead mankind should try to reduce the negative effects of technology. Admittedly, modern technologies which are intended to improve human's life initially do produce some new problems that never emerge before the industrial revolution, which in a sense threatens the quality of life. For example, new environmental stress, such as acid rain and greenhouse effect, which is more and more serious with the progress in the industrial production. People are enjoying the comfort and luxury brought by new technology without realizing that they are deprived the necessities of life: blue sky, green trees, lean rivers, etc.

Another example is automatism of industrial production, which do effect great improvement in the production quality and the safe of certain dangerous production tasks, but it has reduce employment by substituting human production of all kinds with the work of machine guided by compute, which leading to a serious result that Significant number of workers are disappointed to find them lack the essential skills in this high technological society to help themselves find another job. However, that technology plays an important role in improving the quality of life is undeniable. New technology has such significant influence in every field of daily life that many people believe strongly that it has not only brought a revolutionary change in way of life but almost reshaped traditional code of though. Thanks to technology people's horizon is increasingly widened which enable them to study some areas that they never know before. Nearly every step in technology brings relative progress in mankind's view of the world. The invention of electron microscope markedly improved the microcosmic world research while the satellite and space ship increase men's sight towards the vast universe to a height they have never got.

What!'s more, people are cheerful to find that with the help of technology it becomes much easier to get knowledge. For instance, people are used to turning to internet for help first no matter what they desire to know and all they have to do is to log on to the internet and use search engines to locate the information they are looking for. Thus people rarely find themselves lacking information with the internet which transmit information around the world at speeds never before imagined. It is mankind who will determine at last whether technology will play a positive or negative role in social life. Technologies come into use for the simple reason that people believe that they can serve people in some aspects, but with their gradual development people may find there are some flaws that go against the initial goals, then what people should do? The attitude that technology should be negated is unrealistic thus unacceptable.

Some inspiration may be got from the traditional example, nuclear technology, which came into research at first in order to produce nuclear weapon, a notorious bomb under world peace. Though the world is still under the danger of nuclear war most people are still optimistic about this technology because of its use in nuclear-power plant in many countries which provide large quantities of electricity. In sum, Just as every coin has two sides, technology itself can be used equally for both good and bad. Any decision aimed at shifting the obligation of human beings to technology is irresponsible and mankind will get avenged because of the foolish act.