Night Before The Race example essay topic

772 words
Shortly after I got my driver's license, a few of my friends were all talking about going to the local drag racing track. They all looked at me to say I would be going since I had a Mustang I had been working on for quite some time. I knew this wouldn't be an easy task since my mother would be very much against it. After countless hours of begging my mother, my father and I finally convinced her to let me give it a try.

The next four days I spent washing, polishing, cleaning and waxing my car, making sure it looked perfect to take racing. I think I cleaned the wheels and tires at least three times and put two coats of wax on my car. I got a copy of the rules and regulations from the local track and brought it home to check the car over. The night before the race, my dad and I were up late going over my car with a fine tooth comb making sure everything was in compliance with the rule book. We finally called it a night at just after midnight. I could barley sleep that night as I lay there thinking about how much fun I was going to have racing my car the next day.

I got out of bed around 8: 00 AM and the track didn't open until 11: 00 AM. I jumped out of bed and started packing the cooler, camera, and everything I thought we would need for a day at races. Around 9: 30 AM I went out to the garage to start my car and to my surprise, it wouldn't start. I ran back to house screaming in panic fit to my dad that my car won't start. He told me to calm down we would get it started.

We headed out to the garage and used his truck to jump start my car while all my friends sat and laughed at me. We got the car started and realized the reason it wouldn't start was that night before we forgot to close the doors and interior light was on all night. With the car loaded we headed out to race track. We got to the track just as the gates were opening and found a good spot to set up in the pits.

I found out then that the gates opened at 11: 00 but they didn't start qualifying until 2: 00 PM, so we had three hours to sit there and wait. When the staging lanes opened I was the first one in line and ready to go. As I pulled up, the nice man informed me I was racing trophy class, and I would have to wait on all the Pro cars to qualify before I could run. With a sad look on my face, I pulled back to pits for another hour of waiting. They called the trophy class to pits finally around quarter till four. Once again I was the first one in line, and the guy just smiled at me.

He informed me that since it's my first time racing at the track and I wasn't 18, I would have to make a solo pass for my first three passes. Well this wasn't so bad at least I was getting to drive. So I mad my three solo qualifying passes and headed back to the pits for more waiting. A few hours later, they called Trophy class to the staging lanes. My heart started to pound, and I pulled up to the staging lanes and got paired off against a Corvette.

I thought this couldn't be any better if I planned it. Just as were getting ready to pull up to the line, they came over the loud speaker and said something was spilled on track and they would have to stop racing for short time. So I was sitting in staging lane all ready to race and once again waiting. Just as it looked as if they were getting the mess cleaned up on the track, a down pour came and they announced the track would be closed until the following Saturday. I stormed off to the pits and got my father and drove home as mad as I have ever been. Lucky for me, my drag racing career got off to bad start but improved quite a bit over the years.