North Atlantic Treaty Organization World War II example essay topic

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization World War II had created stained relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. This created a state of undeclared war, that would last for nearly 50 years. Although the threat of nuclear devastation hovered over the people of the United States, a new program was created to provide a 'Partnership for Peace' between countries with like views to ban together against the Soviet Union. Complications in the more or less alliance of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union the has appeared at the Yalta and Post dam conferences in 1945, especially in regard to the future of Poland.

The Soviet Union had annexed the independent Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and after the war quickly took under control almost all of Eastern Europe. The last straw was the communist takeover of the Czechoslovakia in 1948. This created the immediate need for the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. On April 4, 1949, four years after W.W. II this plan for 'Partnership for Peace' was brought to action.

In Washington, DC, twelve countries signed into alliance in one of the most important international actions of 'The Cold War'. The twelve countries that signed into the North Atlantic Treat Organization were; the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Iceland, and Portugal. The North Atlantic Treaty itself contained a preamble and 14 articles. Of course the North Atlantic Treaty is more formal then how I am going ot explain it but this is to give you the main ideas of the composition of the treaty. Preamble: The Parties to this treaty reaffirm their faith. Article 1: Settle all international disputes which they may be involved in must be resolved in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice are not endangered.

Article 2: Promote conditions of stability and well being. Article 3: By means of continuous and effective self help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack. Article 4: The Parties will consult together whenever the opinion of any of them is threatened. Article 5: 'The Parties agree that an armed attack against one of more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all. ' Article 6: For the purpose of article 5 on any of the Parties will result in an armed attack on the territory of the treaty breaker.

Article 7: This treaty doesn't effect, and should not be interpreted as effecting in any way the rights and obligations that an allied country commits too. Article 8: Countries involved in this treaty should not enter any international engagement that conflicts with this treaty. Article 9: The parties are to establish a council to represent themselves. Article 10: The parties, with unamumus agreement may invite any European state into the North Atlantic area's security. Article 11: This treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out. Article 12: After the treaty has been in force for 10 years, or at anytime there after, the parties can get together and review the treaty.

Article 13: After the treaty has been in force for 20 years, any party may Article 14: This treaty of which the English and French texts are equally ethnic will be kept in the archives of the United States of America Government. While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was being brought into action in the United States and Eastern Europe, another treaty was being brought into action bringing the communist nations of Europe under a unified military. This treaty was called the warsaw pact. It was signed May of 1955. The countries to sign alliance to The Warsaw Pact were; Russia, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. Although China didn't sign the treaty, they pledged their support.

By the end of the 1980's the relations between these two nation under NATO and the warsaw pact, began to improve. With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 came the end to the rival between these countries, And with the end of the cold war came questions about NATO's purpose. There was a shift in peacekeeping activities in Bosnia - Herzegovina and later in Kosovo. (There was question in bombing Kosovo in 1999). The desire to be secured against communism brought dozens of countries forth seeking membership. In 1988, the United States senate approved NATO membership for Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and they became members in March 1999.

That brings Nato membership to 19 parties. NATO even has established a unique relationship with countries located in the Mediterranean region, called the Mediterranean Dialogue. These countries work together in alliance. Challenges still lie ahead for the alliance.

Some argue that the alliance has become a long way for our country and others, while others think that it needs work. Since the cold war and now, even though NATO has kept its open door policy Which allows other countries to join NATO by unanimous vote one year after their notice, there has been some rules attached. - NATO enlargement should contribute to stability and security in the entire Euro-Atlantic region and not pose a threat to any particular nation. - Enlargement should be gradual, deliberate, and transparent. - There is no timetable or list of nations that will be invited to join NATO - Each nation will be considered individually, on a case-by-case basis - The decisions as to who joins NATO and when will be made exclusively by the alliance. No outside nation will exercise a veto.

- All members, regardless of size, strength, or location, should be full members of the alliance, with equal rights and obligations. Although rules and initiatives have been changed, added, removed, and modified. One thing still stands, the key essential to the whole organization. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a partnership for peace.