Not To Buy There example essay topic

841 words
Affluenza: To Buy or Not To Buy There is an epidemic widespread throughout the country. A highly contagious disease of being out of control; over consumption, and the symptoms normally include compulsive shopping, high debt, overwork, a sense of entitlement, obsession with externals and 'having it all,' wastefulness, and stress. The disease is called, which is derived from the word "affluence", meaning: abundant supply, wealth, and riches. Affluenza has been described as:" 1. The bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to keep up with the Jones es. 2.

An epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by dogged pursuit of the American Dream. 3. An unsustainable addiction to economic growth". It is a fact that "advertisers who promote and shape a consumer's way of life seek to condition us to the idea that by trading our "life" for the money needed to buy their product, in hopes we can fulfill our hopes for power, happiness, acceptance, success, achievement, and personal worth". Example the factory worker who dreams of winning the lottery and devotes a chunk of his weekly paycheck toward buying tickets. The secretary who spends her grocery money at a shoe sale nearly every week before paying the household bills".

What is Affluenza" a web site I read to better understand what Affluenza really meant, warns that "those of us who buy into the advertisers' messages find our time so consumed by jobs we don't even like, in order to have the money to buy products that we get little real satisfaction from, that we have little time left for enjoying family and friends, participating in our community, or nurturing ourselves intellectually, culturally, or spiritually. The result being emptiness, debt, and troubled and or failed marriages and family relationships". Affluenza: To Buy or Not To Buy 3 It does not matter what the level of pay; there are always some common symptoms: . Inability to delay gratification and tolerate frustration; .

A false sense of entitlement; . Loss of future motivation; . Low self-worth; . A dysfunctional relationship with wealth or money There are a number of things to consider when dealing with Affluenza such as the fact that average adult spends more time shopping each week than she / he spends with his or her children. More Americans visit shopping malls on Sunday than go to church. More Americans file for bankruptcy each year than graduate from college.

We work longer, have less time for families, and are more stressed out we tend to get. It is said that Affluenza is not about shopping addictions or compulsive behavior. If anything it is about getting your priorities wrong in my opinion. About getting into the habit of buying 'stuff'.

Of constantly buying stuff, more stuff and even more stuff. Now that credit cards can be used everywhere from grocery stores to gas stations, "charge it" may be the two most expensive words in the English language. People tend to think that money can give greater assurance of security and well being. Americans, however, pay for their affluence with longer work hours, increased stress leading to serious health problems and less time with family and friends. To reduce the effects Affluenza may have in a persons life, consider these potent "antibiotics". We can change our lives to live more simply by: 1.

Saving more money. 2. Spending less (use coupons) 3. Cut back (how much you buy) 4.

ConserveAffluenza: To Buy or Not To Buy 45. Steer clear of impulse spending (limit the amount of cash you keep on hand). Leave the checkbook at home once in a while. Checks and credit cards make spending tremendously easy and convenient. 6. Do not use a credit card unless you have the cash to pay it off.

7. Evade the temptation tear up credit card offers you receive in the mail. 8. Stick to a realistic budget (you will be amazed at what you can do without).

9. Do not buy more house than you can comfortably afford the (eyes are bigger than the wallet syndrome). 10. Be wary of advertising. Their goal is to encourage you to buy more products, many of which you probably do not really need. Remember before you buy, ask yourself: Do I really need this?

Could I borrow it from a friend, neighbor or family member? Is there anything I already own that I could use instead for it? How much overtime will I have to work to pay for it? Avoid the malls go to the beach or to a park for a walk instead.

If the great outdoors is too temping stay in and watch a movie. Your wallet will love you for it.