Nuclear Free Issues Of New Zealand example essay topic

399 words
For years New Zealand has been clean, green and nuclear free. The nuclear free issues of New Zealand interested me and brought me to wondering Why did New Zealand become nuclear free, What are New Zealand's laws towards being nuclear free and when where they put place and What devastation can nuclear weapons cause? "Not since the dawn of the nuclear age at the end of World War ll has the danger of nuclear war been greater" said Richard Falk, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University and David Krieger, president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, issued in a statement on April 9, 2000 (web) Many experts on nuclear issues and war probabilities share this view. The famous activist and author on nuclear issues, Dr Helen Caldecott, said the nuclear war risk is greater than at any time in the three decades she has been studying the issue.

Thus there is more reason than ever to put in place a nuclear-free law for New Zealand's. It is a way of saying that we don't approve of nuclear weapons and war plans. The 1987 law bans nuclear warships and nuclear weapons from New Zealand territory and ports. The policy was implemented in 1984.

With the election of the Lange Labour government. It bans New Zealand forces from working with nuclear-weapon-equipped forces. National became nuclear-free in 1990. The Greens, Alliance, New Zealand First, and United - everyone except the dinosaurs agree that we should Keep NZ Nuclear-Free. The devastation to Hiroshima was thought to be short term, sure it was totally demolished but no one had ever counted on it being contaminated for years by hi radiation levels. Hiroshima residents, including physicians specializing in treatment of the radiation exposed, have visited the contaminated disaster sites around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine and Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, the former Soviet Union's nuclear testing site.

These groups are developing ties with affected people through medical treatment and other forms of support. After learning about some of the after effects of nuclear activities and discovering how high the risk of nuclear war really is these days I have decided that it is good for our little country to make a stand for the environment and a to acknowledge that others need to clean up their act.