Number Of Changes In Family Units example essay topic

830 words
If looking back only few last decades ago, it can be seen that the fastest growing industry is technology. As the result, rapid technological advances has leaded dramatic changes in all aspects of society, i.e. family, education, transport, work, medicine etc. How technology will continuous to change this things after 100 years and what our world will be like then, are what I am going to draw up in this scenario. First interesting figure to look at is family units. In 2100, there will be neither any more extended families nor more than 2 children in each family.

Nuclear family and single households will be the most popular forms to exist. In addition, natural breeding will increasingly be replaced by artificial one, which is complemented by the development of genetic implanting techniques. The growth of mechanical and engineering technology will bring at leat one robot to each home to do the housework that women normally do today so that they will have time to spend as much on their careers as men do. Therefore, is it easily seen that technology will influence the persons greatly and create a new environment in which persons and the whole society can be more and more satisfied with their needs and wants. Education is the second field with many promising changes. Along with the process of computerization and the popularization of the internet, people will not have to go to normal classes for studying and training; in other words, they can seat at home, in front of computers, to do their bachelor, master or PhD with the cost equal to that of an access to the internet.

The number of teachers will be restricted to the least as most of the teaching program will be designed and approached through the internet. However, professors will prevail and work as consultants and instructors of those programs. Resulting from higher level of education method and degrees, people will get 50's time higher IQs and the memory of computers will be implanted in human's brain to enable them to work more quickly and efficiently. There will be dramatic changes in food and clothing through the development of high technology.

As time is more and more precious, special pills will be invented to fully satisfy human's appetites or hunger so that they can save time from transporting to the fast food restaurants, waiting for service and sitting there to eat. Along with that, special clothes will also be created. This kind of clothes will be made from supernormal materials with which particular devices are combined to automatically transfer vitamins to the body and keep the body at a relevant temperature. In other words, in hot weather, persons will not be bothered by sweating nor in winter will they have to wear thick clothes to keep warm. Thus, throughout the time, technology will develop more and more, benefiting humans with more comfort and convenience. In 100 years' time, transportation will prove significant adjustments.

All the transports which are run by petrol will be supplied with new fuel similar to water which costs less and less dangerous. Besides, new kinds of transport which are applicable to underground and ocean cities will e invented as well as special flying trains transporting humans to the moon, the sun and other planets. In general, technology will bring human to other undiscovered worlds where they will construct completely new cities and built new life. In medicine, academic research and experiments will find cures to dead diseases such as AIDS, cancer, high blood pressure and heart attack. More effective treatment will improve the health of humans; consequently, the average life span will increase to 15 o years.

Furthermore, each household will normally have a private doctor who is responsible for the health status of the family members; fewer hospitals will operate due to the increasing right-away medical service provided. Along such number of changes in family units, education, transporting, food, clothing and medicine, it is inevitable that the whole environment also be effected by the improvement of technology. In 2100, pullulation will not be a big problem any more owning to the development of smoke eliminating and rubbish recycling techniques. However, global warming will becomes a serious issue as the temperature of the world increases more and more, resulting in ice melting and forest burning. There will be more hot cities, hence, a current of population will permanently move to underground and ocean cities or other planets. In brief, above is my scenario for the year 2100 which I view as a probable future.

No matter how true the world will becomes like this, as the time passes by, it is no doubts that the progress of technology will bring quite number of surprising changes to persons, society and the environment on the whole.