Oman Like Many Other Middle Eastern Countries example essay topic

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Oman is a small country located in the northeast by the gulf of Oman and southeast by the Arabian Sea, southeast by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The capitol of this country is Muscat. Oman covers an area of about 119,500 sq mi. Oman borders Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. The Oman government, from what I have read, is ran by a sultan and seems to be somewhat democratic. The population is overwhelmingly Arab, but significant minorities of Indians, Pakistanis, and East Africans are found in the principal ports.

The majority of the population is Iba dhi Muslim; Sunni Muslims form the other major religious group. Arabic is the official language. The Life expectancy on average, is 70.25 years, however females seem to live longer; males: 68.31 years female: 72.29 years (1995 est. ). There are about 6 children born to each woman. That just shows how much they value family as well as procreation in itself.

The Languages are Arabic (official), English, Baluchi, Urdu, and Indian dialects. (1) One of the most interesting pieces I came across about Oman is how the women are treated. Usually when you think of Middle East women you assume they are oppressed or considered to be uneducated. However the women of Oman play a more active and visible role in society than in most of the Arabian Peninsula, where the role of women is still restricted. They have received encouragement and support from the government, which provides schooling and university education for girls on a par with that for boys, and has decreed that women should be given career opportunities and equal pay. In the capital many women now have jobs, especially with the government.

In the countryside women have always played an active role in the agricultural communities. For the most part Oman women are not veiled, although the women of some tribes still wear the burqa or face mask and black cloak, the aba ya. After viewing many pictures of the women of this culture the majority of Oman women, however, wear very colorful clothes arranged in loose and flowing layers. They are generally not self-effacing and may be willing to talk to strangers, once the ice has been broken. But they are deeply Muslim and should always be treated with deference and respect. (1) However, the film I chose to watch is called Osama.

This film describes the life of women during the Taliban rule. Although the Taliban did not play a role in the Oman society, they are still part of the same culture, just located in a different area of the Middle East. This movie displays the harsh treatment of women who are forced into marriages, harsh punishments, and no respect. During the Taliban rule if you were a woman you could not leave your house without some kind of male companion, either your son, husband, or brother.

If you were caught without the company of a male you were arrested and then either married off or punished other ways. The mother of this child has lost her job because of Taliban rule and has lost a husband and brother to the wars. She has no choice but to turn her daughter into a young boy. Unfortunately it is not a happy ending in this story, but is a very emotional story that shows how unruly and unjust the Taliban was.

It was also the first film made in Afghanistan post Taliban rule. (4) Oman is a country that has overcome many obstacles to further itself. Oman had border disputes with its three neighbors; agreements were reached with Saudi Arabia in 1990, with Yemen in 1992, and with the United Arab Emirates in 1993. The borders with Yemen and Saudi Arabia were differentiated in 1995; the border with the United Arab Emirates awaits final demarcation. It's interesting to see how recent these issues were yet I never knew that this country had border issues. (1) Oman is largely a desert land, which makes it more interesting because who would want land that is mainly comprised of a desert?!

However Oman like many other Middle Eastern countries capitalizes on its Oil and its harbors. Sultan bin Said opened the nation to the world in 1970 and began a program of modernization; Oman's location aids in progress to the Sultan's goal for his country. He Stresses that a move away from an oil-based economy is critical if Oman is to survive. Some of the suggestions for alternative economic activities including increased foreign investments and tourism can help increase their economy.

Once oil is no longer their main export they can also preserve their environment and archaeological resources. Although Oman seems to be trying to gain tourism as well as educate women as well as men, there is a lack of healthcare being provided to this country. While the Sultanate of Oman has a fairly large nursing population, the majority of the nurses and doctors are foreign born leaving Oman even more vulnerable to losing doctors and nurses to other countries. Environmental factors such as resource availability, supervisor support, length of stay in high demand departments and overall "empowerment" within the workplace among many other factors are equally important in decreasing emotional exhaustion and stress which leads to medical staff leaving to go to other countries which are more organized and more resourceful.

The Ministry of Health within Oman has undergone several initiatives, which will hopefully help to retain the medical staff they require. (2) On the other hand Oman has taken a step in the right direction and their medical advancements seem to be taking place slowly, but surely. "In 1970 Oman's health-care system was very poor. For example, child mortality was 230 per 1000.

'Oman's government invested in the health infrastructure; they increased accessibility... and they introduced a system of protecting everyone through general taxation', says Frank". (5) Because health insurance is available to as many people as possible it has allowed their health status to become improved. The media in Oman seems to mainly be written and not televised. There are some broadcasting stations, but it did not seem to be more than a handful. The print media is very popular as well as Internet access. But the government controls the internet access as far as what websites are available.

The print media is mainly available in Arabic, and only about 2 Omani papers are in both English and Arabic. Tourist attractions such as hotels, may carry more of a variety of national papers. Overall Oman is a very interesting country. They are progressing more into the future and at the same time not leaving their heritage or culture behind, but instead modernizing it. The sultan of this country has been in reign for over 30 years and has done nothing but allowed his country to progress. The fact that this is one of the few Arabic countries that actually allows women certain rights will hopefully educate other Arabic countries about equalization or steps towards allowing women to be freer.

Work Cited: (1) web (2) web (3) web (4) Osama, directed by Siddiqi Bar mak, 2004 (5) WHO COMPARES HEALTH-CARE SYSTEMS ACROSS THE GLOBE, By: Ashraf, Haro on, Lancet, 00995355, 06/24/2000, Vol. 355, Issue 9222.