Only Symptom Of Discoid Lupus example essay topic

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So basically what happens is that the body ends up attacking its own organs thinking they are foreign substances. (The Lupus Foundation of America) There are three different types of Lupus. They are: Discoid, Systematic, and Drug-Induced. Discoid Lupus only effects a persons skin.

The only symptom of Discoid Lupus is a rash. Systematic Lupus is the most common form of Lupus. It effects the skin, joints, and sometimes the organs of a persons body. Sometimes this form of Lupus will go into remission and there will be no symptoms until the disease becomes active.

The final type of Lupus is Drug-Induced. This Lupus is brought on by the use of certain prescription drugs, especially drugs to lower blood pressure. When the use of the drug is discontinued the symptoms almost always disappear. (The Lupus Foundation of America) There is no known cause of Lupus. Although some families seem to be prone to Lupus, there is no known gene that carries the disease.

Only about five percent of children born from a mother with Lupus will develop Lupus. Lupus is often thought of as a women's disease because it occurs about ten to fifteen times more often in women then men. (The Lupus Foundation of America) There are a whole bunch of different symptoms of Lupus. Some may include: Achy joints, Fever of over 100 degrees, arthritis, extreme fatigue, skin rashes, anxiety, kidney involvement, pain in the chest area or trouble breathing, rash, light sensitivity, hair loss, blood clotting problems, seizures, and mouth and nose ulcers. This is a giant list of symptoms, but many people who have Lupus do not experience more then one or two of these symptoms. (The Lupus Foundation of America, The Lupus Page) There are many different ways to treat Lupus.

The most common treatment does not cure Lupus, but minimizes the symptoms and reduces inflammation. Support groups to help relieve anxiety and regular exercise can help treat the disease as well. There are a bunch of drugs that can be prescribed to help treat the specific symptoms. Most of these drugs are anti-inflammatory drugs. Some of them are as simple as over the counter painkillers like Tylenol, while others can be powerful steroids with anti-inflammatory agents in them. (The Lupus Foundation of America, The Lupus Page) In conclusion Lupus is definitely a very serious disease that we must learn more about.

My great aunt had Lupus for over ten years and during that time suffered in ways no person should have to. She would fall down constantly and break bones. Near the end of her life, she would break bones doing stuff as simple as getting out of bed. She was told three different times that she had less then a week to live but she always seemed to find a way to pull through.

After researching Lupus, I did not really find all that much information of this deadly disease. It seems like doctors and scientists are just beginning to learn about some of the causes and ways to treat this disease and this must continue so that it can be treated more efficient and diagnosed in a more specific way. When my aunt first went the the doctor back in the late 1980's they did not even know what was wrong with her. Only years later did they finally determine that it was indeed Lupus she had. Maybe if her doctor had known what they know about Lupus today, she would have been able to be treated. My aunt died after about ten years of fighting Lupus of pneumonia.

The doctor said he immune system was just to weak to fight off anything anymore.