Only True Prophet example essay topic
Many Muslims have memorized the Quran, but not one single word has ever been changed in it. The Que " an was revealed 14 centuries ago. Some of the facts in the Quran have only recently been proven. Many people think that because these facts that were stated so long ago were proven just recently, that this is the true word of God and that Muhammad is the only true prophet sent by God. Because the Quran was revealed in Arabic, this is the language used in the Islamic religion all over the world.
Muslims, or people of the Islamic religion, go to Allah through the 5 basic pillars. They are as follows: 1. Shahada h-The affirmation that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the only prophet. 2. Salah- The five daily ritual prayers. 3.
Zakat- The giving of alms. 4. Saw- The dawn to sunset fast during the lunar month of Ramadan. 5. Hajj- the holy pilgrimage to Mecca. The Hajj can hardly be overestimated: this great annual pilgrimage unites Muslims all around the world.
I think that the Islamic religion is astonishingly similar to Christianity. They are both based on a book that was told to them by there one and only prophet. This prophet learned the teachings of this book from the religions one and only God. In this area, the only things different between the religions is the names of the book, prophet, and they give a name of there God.
In other areas they do tend to differ, but not hugely. The way they differ is that we submit to our faiths in different manors. Other than this these two religions are almost identical in most areas.