Open Documents To Go On Your Handheld example essay topic

524 words
Documents To Go (R) Getting Started Tips [ -- - BMP Graphic Goes Here -- -] (Tap on the graphic above for a larger, detailed view.) Use the up / down buttons on your device or the scroll bar at the right of the screen to move up and down within this document. Introduction Welcome to Documents To Go. This document is intended to give you an overview of Documents To Go as well as highlight some of the features available. This is a Microsoft Word file brought to your handheld using Documents To Go. With Documents To Go you can use word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation files on your handheld. Simple push-button synchronization will maintain the most up-to-date version of a file on both the desktop and handheld.

How To Get Desktop Files to Your Handheld To use desktop files on your Palm OS (R) handheld you must add them to Documents To Go on your desktop computer. To add files, do the following: Open Documents To Go on your desktop computer. On your PC: Double-click on the Documents To Go icon on your desktop, OR, go to Start Menu Programs Documents To Go Documents To GoOn your Mac: Go to Hard Drive Applications Documents To Go Documents To Go Add files to the desktop application. Drag the file you wish to add to either the "Handheld" or "Expansion Card" destination window. OR Click the Add icon and browse for and select the appropriate document, OR Right-click on the file you wish to add and select Send To: Documents To Go. Default Settings: By default, files added to the "Handheld" destination window will be converted to a Documents To Go format for synchronization to the handheld.

Microsoft Word and Excel files added to the "Expansion Card" destination window will be brought to your handheld's expansion card as Native, or original, Word or Excel files. Synchronize. [ -- - BMP Graphic Goes Here -- -] Now that you have added your files to the desktop application, press the Hot Sync button and the files will be moved to your handheld device (or Card) for viewing and editing. See Native Document Support section for more information on this feature. How to Create New Documents on Your Handheld Documents To Go gives you the ability to create new documents on your handheld.

Your newly created documents will be brought back to your desktop as word processing, spreadsheet, or presentation (PowerPoint) files after your next synchronization. To create a new document, simply open Documents To Go on your handheld and do the following: Tap the New button at the lower left corner of the screen. [ -- - BMP Graphic Goes Here -- -] Select the format of the file you would like to create. Assign a category to the file (optional) Select the location of the file (either Handheld or Card) Enter a name for the file.

Tap OK and a new file will be created and you can begin editing. Tapping the triangle:.