Organized Plan example essay topic

906 words
Functions of Management It is not easy to manage an organization. It takes more than just business sense to know what you are doing when it comes to management procedures. There are a few strategies that can ensure the success of a business organization, but before you can determine those strategies, you have to know the four functions. The functions of management discussed in this paper will be planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

This paper will also give examples of how I apply these functions of management in my own personal organization. Let me begin by stating, working for any company you begin to realize people are proud to work for companies that treat them well. They become connected to companies in more than an employer / employee relationship; they come to feel as if they are truly a part of an organization; not just one of the employees. Companies which are expanding to the global market will need even more to make all the positive contributions to ensure employees feel more than just workers.

Management takes planning the first function of management. Planning is determining what you want to accomplish, working out ahead how it is to be done, deciding who will be responsible for each step, and having every phase written down. Good management applies the steps of good planning to each part of the organization. To achieve good planning results without any problems, goals and objectives should be set. From these decisions decide what form the project will comes into place. Developing a step-by-step course of action is all part of the planning process.

Keeping all the other objectives in mind, the plan should then be put into effect while readjusting the plan as necessary. In my organization I apply the planning stage through developing new approaches to my work load. I constantly find new ways to improve the efficiency of my job. I keep an open communication with my supervisor and we always plan ahead on what tasks need to be completed, and what alternatives we have in case we fall off track. We also plan ahead on special projects which may be coming in the future and map out how to approach them ahead of time. My position requires constant planning and learning as my job duties are constantly changing.

Second function is organizing; management will assist in a variety different types of issues. Managers must follow an organized plan to make certain that the needs of their employees are satisfied while the objectives at hand are reached. Organizations are relying on managers to get the people who get the job done, and of course, make the company money. Developing these individuals in ways that are specific to the needs of their individual firms, encourage them to generate new ideas while familiarizing them with the company strategies, invite information, and rewarding teamwork, organizing is an essential function in management. Organization is imperative in my job.

Strategic importance is the basis of how things get done in my position. The success of my position increasingly depends on the knowledge, skills, and abilities of our department. Without organizing the different positions such as which employees should be assigned particular tasks, the company could not operate efficiently. It takes much organization to get things done.

There are constantly new issues and ideas being presented to us all the time. We need strong managers who can organize the daily functions of our business in order to get through the day. Leadership being the third function of management is the process of motivating others to work and meet specific goals and objectives. A leader motivates others to action.

It is the motivation of others and their actions that defines a successful leader. Therefore, leadership is not only reflected in performance, no matter how good that performance is, but in accomplishment. I have found that in the business world, managers have a great responsibility of leading employees under them. In order to achieve successful leadership, a leader or a manager should possess certain principles and essential skills. There are several principles a leader should follow to be successful; such as listening, understanding, planning, and managing time. The forth function of management is control which I have seen this to be a very important function to any organization.

Every individual working in the team is important and every individual has variety of talent. Knowing the person, understanding the person and identifying the strengths and needs of the individual are important in controlling an organization. A manager's objective is to perform more effectively by getting to know and understand individual members of the group. They should be able to identify the characteristics and needs of the members of a group and control the group accordingly. If managers are to increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve their organization's competitive advantage, they must focus on how to properly manage employees. Creating effective motivation and leadership, controlling, recruiting and retaining the right employees, rewarding and treating employees fairly, establishing an environment that supports the people and benefits the organization, the management looks towards a future with exciting challenges and opportunities for an organization's most valuable resource, the employees.