Original And Effective Advertisement example essay topic

308 words
Advertising, as I read somewhere, is the art of convincing people that they want certain things they do not want at all; of making them dissatisfied with everything they have; of making them thoroughly unhappy. Advertisements today are everywhere around us. They fill the newspapers and cover the walls; they are on picture-cards and in our daily post, on matchboxes. Shown all day long on TV and shouted from the radio - there are so many advertisements that they have become part of our daily round. And that's why it's hard to note a real effective advertisement. In my opinion the effective advertisement should be original, attractive and interesting.

But in the same time it must show the qualities and the advantages of the advertised product. For example the new "Kit-Kat chunky" is an original and effective advertisement. It shows a tourist in India who travels in a taxi. But the taxi driver sings awfully an Indian song.

Our man decides to shut his mouth with the new bigger "Kit-Kat", and cram the chocolate bar in to his mouth. At the first moment the taxi driver becomes silent but then, he snaps off the Kit-Kat and begins to eat it, looking happier than ever and finally he turns his loudly radio with the same Indian song. This advertisement is fresh, with the cheerful taxi driver, and shows the advantages of the product - the new Kit-Kat is bigger and more delicious than ever. Making a good advertisement is an art. It's not so easy to make millions of people understand your idea and buy your product. That's the reason why there are so many research centers and marketing agencies.

But it's said - a good advertisement can sell even the worst product..