Osama Bin Laden Left Saudi Arabia example essay topic

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Osama Bin Laden was born somewhere around 1955 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is the youngest son of Muhammad Bin laden a wealthy Saudi. He made the family fortune in the construction business that was involved with Saudi Government contracts. Osama Bin laden left Saudi Arabia to fight against the Soviets in the Afghanistan conflict in 1979. In the mid 1980's he helped co-found the Mak tab al-Khidamat. He formed this to help funnel fitters and money to the Afghan resistance.

When the history of the Afghan resistance movement is written, Bin Laden's own contribution to the mujahedin, and the indirect result of his training and assistance, may turn out to be a turning- point in the recent history of militant fundamentalism. Even if, today, he tries to minimize his role. "When the invasion of Afghanistan started, I was enraged and went there at once. I arrived within days, before the end of 1979", he said. "Yes, I fought there, but my fellow Muslims did much more than I. Many of them died and I am still alive. In Peshawar with a Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood member named Abdallah Azzam.

This organization also known as the MAK, established recruitment centers on the world. Including the U.S., Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. These recruitment processes helped shelter and transport thousand of soldiers from over 50 countries to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. Osama bin Laden then established a very impressive network of training comps, hospitals and shelters in Afghanistan.

Bin Laden left from Afghanistan in the late 1980's to extend his campaign all over the world. Azzam wanted only to focus on the support of Muslims waging military campaigns, so he formed a new organization in 1988 called Al-Quid a. In 1989 a care bomb killed Azzam. Most of the extremist part of Azzam's group joined Bin Laden's new organization. After the soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 Bin Laden returned to work for this family's Jeddah, Saudi Arabia based construction business, but he continued to support and organize movement in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Bin Laden's anti government activities provoked the Saudi government to expel him in 1991. This was done with the influence of the United States.

This action provided Osama to wage an Islamic war against America, Israel, and the Saudi royal family, which he said, was corrupted. This is when Osama made his threats against the United States. Stating he did not distinguish between the American Military and civilians. Why dose the U.S. take bin Laden's threats so seriously First, he has money. His family's construction business is worth $5 billion. Second, he has experienced troops who fought with him on front lines against the Russians in the Afghan was.

Third, he has a track record. web This talk labeled Bin laden as one of the FBI's most wanted and put a five million-dollar bounty out on his capture. The Saudi government froze his bank accounts and took away his passport. He then fled to Afghanistan were he is the leader of a group of Islamic fighters known as Afghan Veterans. Currently a large number of militants in Afghanistan are allegiance to him. He still maintains extensive ties with a number of international terror organizations in Egypt, India, the Philippines and other places. These groups enjoy the use of Bin Laden funds, training camps, and his companies all over the world.

These companies are said to play the same rote as the diplomatic immunity proceeded by state sponsors of terrorism. Making the entire world his battleground. This deadly combination of wealth and extremism gave the Afghan veteran's Association a place among the most dangerous organizations taking part in the game of international terrorism. It is what Bin Laden can do for the Ramzi Yousef's of tomorrow that worries American authorities.

The FBI believes that Bin Laden has set up what is in essence a foundation, where any terrorist can apply for what amounts to a grant. That's why this new phenomenon, says Cannistraro. It's not a state putting unlimited resources at the disposal of a group that only dose the state's bidding A group can con someone like Bin Laden for funds to carry out an operation on an individual basis. And he will do it as long as he thinks it fits in with his religious objectives. web In October 1993, rocket launchers shot down U.S. helicopters in Mogadishu Somalia.

Thought to be supplied by Osama bin Laden. U.S. intelligence also believes Bin laden is the mastermind of a Saudi base in Riyadh that killed six Americans. He also been linked too Ramzi Yourself, the convicted mastermind of the World Trade Center bombing. You were said to be living in a house paid for by Osama Bin Laden at the time of his capture. When asked about the Riyadh bombing and other certain attacks, Bin Laden praises the bombers: We look at these young men as great heroes and martyrs who followed the steps of the prophet, peace upon him.

We called and they answered. Meanwhile, ABCNEWS has learned the FBI has been secretly taking with someone who knows a lot about Bin Laden's operations Wali Khan. Khan, who was convicted with Ramzi Yousef of plotting to blow up U.S. airliners over the Pacific, has told the FBI he was a key organizer for Bin Laden's terrorist operations, including a plot to kill President Clinton and the Pope on their visit to Manila. web Osama Bin Laden has tried to kill our president. The first attempt on Clinton's life was planned during a visit to the Philippines in November 12, 1994. But the plan was never carried out. The second attempt on Clinton's life was suppose to have taken place when he was to visit Pakistan but Clinton canceled his trip.

Attacks in Riyadh in November 1995 and Dhahran in June 1996 that killed somewhere around thirty people. Twenty-four of those were Americans. He is also said to be involved in the attacks on a Yemenite hotel, in December 1992, that injured several tourists. Lets not forget his assassination attempt on Egyptian president Mubarak in Ethiopia of June 1995.

For any hope for a end of the violence in this fight, the United States and Clinton must be willing to be persistent in their pursuit of justice against the bin Laden and his complex network of terror. A grand jury in the Manhattan U.S. District Court secretly indicted bin Laden on June 10, 1999. The charges include financing terrorism and soliciting the murder of Americans. The grand jury was convened after 19 U.S. military personnel in Saudi Arabia were killed by a terrorist bomb in June 1996, another attack in which bin Laden's conspiracy is suspected. Bin Laden has been under suspicion by U.S. officials since the World Trade Center bombing.

The charge of solicitation to murder can be brought against anyone who has incited others to commit violence or murder. The felony is punishable by life in prison. But whether the indictment will ever result in the arrest, extradition or prosecution of bin Laden, who remains safely out of reach of traditional law enforcement methods in Afghanistan, is highly unlikely. The United States should modify its current anti-terrorism legislation to describe the front groups in the United States that are secretly working for these terrorist groups. This outline will help further the goals of Clinton's Executive Order to seize the assets of Bin Laden, and it will set a example for the freezing of assets from other front groups of foreign terrorist groups operating within the United States. This portrait of front groups will also serve as a certain statement against terrorism on the part of the United States.


Who the heck is that Osama Bin laden On-Line. Internet. April 17, 2000.
Available : web U.S. Wants Pakistan's Help in Nabbing Osama Bin Laden. On-Line. Internet. April 4, 2000.
Available : http// . islam online net / IOL English / duwalia / news 18-1-2000/top news 7.
asp U.S. Warns of Terror Threat. On-line. Internet. April 4, 2000 Available : web 32 c.