Our Military An Increase In Numbers example essay topic

730 words
At the turn of the new millennium, I think it's safe to say that the women are pretty close to being just as equal as men are. This is why I feel if women want to be considered equal, they have to not only gain the rights we consider good, but also the rights that we may consider bad. That's why I think women should have to enter the draft, so they can also fight for the country they reside in. No one prays for war, but in this day and age, it's pretty safe to say that it's not an easy thing to avoid.

This is why I'd have to agree with passing legislation to having the female gender enter the draft. Many people have been against putting women in the draft in the past, but today there are more women then ever joining the Armed Forces by free will. This alone makes past reasons for them joining the military invalid. It was said that women could be sexually assaulted if held captive, or women may be a distraction towards male soldiers. Although, this may be true, it's no reason not to allow women from entering the draft when these same things can be done to those women who are allowed to join the military on their own. If women are already fighting for this country today, I see no reason why we cannot call upon the help of both genders during a time of National Crisis to help fight for freedom and maybe arise as heroes.

There is a new kind of war we fight today. We use more missiles and bombs then we do the use of ground troops. Women do not have to be strong to necessarily help fight during a time of war. There are many ways women could serve useful to our military that doesn't involve the use of brut strength or other such disadvantaged. They could very well be assigned to jobs that suite their qualifications and abilities. Everybody can excel in something and it doesn't matter if you " re male or female to do it.

I think there are areas in the military that women soldiers may even be a better candidate then a male soldier might be. Another reason why I feel women should be entered into the draft would be the increase in numbers of soldiers available to fight. It would be to our advantage to have more soldiers fighting then the other side. Not only because we would have more people doing more jobs, but also to install a bit of fear into the opponent.

For instance, if we were to battle a nation of thirty-thousand soldiers and we only had ten thousand soldiers, we would feel we were at a disadvantage, but allowing women to enter the draft would increase these numbers dramatically. Giving our military an increase in numbers would probably install fear into the opposing side. Letting women enter the draft will enable us to do just that. We read our history books today and we find that most of our Military heroes happen to be male.

If more women were in the military, there would be a better chance of them being able to become heroes, and making the word "equality" become even stronger. If we have women enter the draft not only could they become heroes, but also they would have the chance to serve as leaders. By doing this, we would be opening the doors to women in politics and may even see our first woman presidential candidate in our lifetime. As more and more women enter the military I think the increasing numbers will be enough proof that women can do as much as men. With these rising statistics, I am sure that in the near future women will have to send in their draft cards when they reach the age of 18.

Anna Quindlen is on the right page when she says "This is a responsibility that should fall equally upon all, male and female alike". Americans love their freedom, liberty, and justice, and there's no reason why the responsibility of this couldn't rest on the shoulders of both genders..