Our Reality example essay topic

302 words
On page in the text, it talks about different defense mechanisms. One of the mechanisms that the book talks about is denial. Denial is a mechanism through which a person escapes psychic pain associated with reality by unconsciously rejecting reality. An example of this is a mother may persistently deny that her child has died. In the article it defines denial as a failure to acknowledge some aspect of external reality by behaving as if it were not there. The article then goes to talk about the September 11 tragedy and how Americans have been denying that it ever happened.

It is hard to think that something like this could hit so close to home. It is hard to comprehend that someone would do this to our country. Some people feel this way when events like this happen. I know that I was in shock when these events occurred. I didn't know what to think.

I was in denial. It all seemed like a dream and that it was not real. I didn't see the planes crash and when I was walking to class and one of my friends told me. I really did not believe her when she told me. I guess that I felt safer if I denied what was going one.

It is awful to think that we are at war. We want what is best for our soldiers however, we deny that this is our reality. We don't want our soldiers to be hurt and we also don't want to think that there may be another attack her in this country. This scared individuals and they don't want to think of the possibility of these events ever occurring again.