Outcomes To Performance Goal Achievement A Manager example essay topic

751 words
1. A. Is there a difference between effective leadership and effective management? Yes, I believe that managers are analytical, structured, controlled, deliberate, and orderly. Leaders are experimental, willing to take chances, visionaries, flexible, unfettered, and creative. These are the differences between management and leaders. B. Someone from the 21st century who I believe is an effective leader is Steven Jobs, of Apple computers. I believe he is an effective leader because he pursues visions even when his competition has a strong hold on the computer industry. He still motivates his people to keep coming up with ideals to stay competitive with Microsoft and not let them run a monopoly on software and patents on computers.

His power base is that he senses opportunities and pursues dreams to keep his company competitive. C. A leader of the opposite sex that I think is like Steve Jobs is Martha Stewart. She had a vision to take home decorating and cooking to another level by connecting with millions of homemakers through TV shows and the selling of her products through K-mart. Martha was just pursuing her dreams to play in the corporate world with men. She senses opportunity when she sees it. She had the intuition to make her company a profitable one when her critics told her it would never work. D. I do feel that there is a general pattern of male / female leadership styles because leaders must be able to apply influence, develop people, set examples, inspire people, manage by interaction, and empower people, and elicit creativity to keep employees who are motivated and willing to work for you. 2. A. I would tell George that Elizabeth might feel underpaid relative to other people in the accounting department because she might be evaluating her efforts and rewards of the work she does compared to her coworkers.

Elizabeth's actions may include reducing her efforts, or she might not be a team player or be disruptive until she feels she is getting the same rewards as her coworkers. I would give George a plan of action like positive reinforcement and give Elizabeth the same rewards as other people in the office if she is carrying the same load as his top performers. B. I would tell George that the factors contributing to an effort to perform at a high level are 1. Expectancy is high-the employee feels that high performance can be attained. 2. Instrumentality is high- the employee associates high performance with a desired outcome such as a merit pay increase. 3.

Valence is high-the employee has a high preference for a merit pay increase. The other factors that George should be aware of that contribute to Jack's task performance are 1. Determine what outcome the employee prefers- talking with employees to find out their preferences is important to stimulate motivation. 2. Define, communicate, and clarify the level of performance that is desired-an employee needs realistic and meaningful performance goals before ho can put forth an effort. 3.

Establish attainable performance goals- can't set impossible goals. 4. Link desired outcomes to performance goal achievement- a manager should spell out how and when performance will be rewarded. 3.

The advice I would give my friend during her interview is to let her know that the job interview is a communication process that consists of three parts the warm-up- an employer will be formulating a first or lasting impression of her, the information exchange-you will be asked the most questions and learn the most about the employer, the wrap-up-is when the employer would ask do you have any questions? This demonstrates to the employer your prior research and interest in the job. Remember to speak clearly during the interview. I would also tell her to be professional and to let her personality shine through. Furthermore listen carefully, be positive, pay attention to her nonverbal behavior, look the interviewer in the eye, sit up straight with both feet on floor, control nervous habits, arrive early and smile as you are greeted. My friend should be prepared to market her skills and experiences as they relate to the job she is applying for.

She should also do a follow up thank-you letter, this is evidence of her attention to detail as well as an indication of her final interest in the position.