Over Prescription Of The Drug Ritalin example essay topic

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... op kins 3 The parents of six year old James Patrick Smith receive a phone call from the school guidance counselor informing them of their child's recent hyperactive behavior. After a short conference, the guidance counselor suggests to the parents a solution for young James' problem; as a result, the family visits their family doctor and the doctor diagnoses James with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) during a one hour appointment. To remedy the disorder, the doctor prescribes the 'savior drug' for ADD patients; children are almost always fed the drug Ritalin, a prescription medicine that packs a strong euphoric punch (Machan 151). The preceding hypothetical situation commonly occurs in the United States at a growing rate which may be too fast for the nation to contain. The over-prescription of the drug Ritalin to correct ADD produces many negative side effects upon patients and society. In the vast market of prescription drugs, Ritalin, one of the most highly used drugs, also carries with it some of the greatest medical drawbacks.

ADD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) stands tall as America's number one psychiatric disorder (Hancock 52). Estimates suggest that more than two million children live with the disorder; in addition, according to Dr. Daniel Safer of Johns Hopkins University, over 1.3 million regularly consume Ritalin for treatment of ADD (Hancock 52). Ritalin appears to be a popular choice for doctors, but the daily effects of the drug, which family physicians do not see, creates questions as to how well the drug actually works. Scientifically know as, Ritalin stimulates the central nervous system with similarities to amphetamines in the nature and extent of its effects; furthermore, it supposedly activates the brain stem arousal system and the cerebral cortex (Bailey 3). The key factor remains that doctors and researchers are not sure of what precisely occurs when Ritalin invades the human body. Hancock notes that no definite long-term studies exist to assure parents that Ritalin does not cause more or less havoc in their child, nor does any disease accompany prolonged usage (52).

Testing results released by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in February 1996, show a study of mice in which a rare form of liver cancer arose as a result of Ritalin; however, the FDA still regards Ritalin as 'safe and effective' (Hancock 56). Offering almost as many side effects as the number of people who take the drug, Ritalin alters many different aspects of the body. Just a few symptoms cited by Bailey include: nervousness, insomnia, loss of appetite, dizziness, heart palpitations, headaches, extreme weight loss, skin rashes, possible psychotic episodes, and severe withdrawals (3). Most physicians would not admit to being blind about the true consequences of Ritalin, and most families never receive the needed information to make an educated decision about Ritalin whether or not to take the drug. To be a potent drug with many numerous physical effects, Ritalin is not respected by doctors who spend only a short amount of time with patients before prescribing the 'wonder drug' as treatment.

Findings of a recent survey by the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, report that almost half of the pediatricians surveyed said they send ADD / ADHD children home within a hour (Hancock 52). Time appears to be on the side of the doctors which leaves patients and their families holding a possible 'time bomb' of Ritalin. With assembly line-like characteristics, physicians turn patients in one door and out the other without conversing with teachers, reviewing a child's educational level, nor doing psychological evaluations (Hancock 52). After children use all the Ritalin given with one prescription, new prescriptions are required for additional doses (Bailey 5).

Doctors as well as pharmacies benefit monetarily from the constant appointments to the doctor and the many prescriptions respectively, for a drug that may be doing more harm than good. No X-ray, bloods can, or CT scan determines who does or does not need Ritalin (Hancock 52). Hancock states that prescribing Ritalin has become more of an art form rather than a scientific method (52). Physicians hand out Ritalin without proper research and examination of each individual. Using Ritalin creates psychological changes in addition to the medical effects which become evident. Throughout life every person loses concentration or does not pay attention to the present situation; however, if ADD was based upon the individual occurrences that all humans experience, then the entire world would be diagnosed with ADD and consuming Ritalin.

Citing the main criticism of Ritalin, Hancock states the drug is simply a quick fix for children living in an impatient world (52). 'It takes more time for parents and teachers to sit down and talk to kids; it takes less time to get a child a pill,' states Dr. Sharon Collins, a pediatrician in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where reportedly eight percent of the children are on Ritalin (Hancock 52). Parents many times initiate the pursuit to obtain Ritalin with hopes that the 'miracle drug' can work to help their child achieve more. Leutwyler writes of anecdotes about parents seek to find an ADD / ADHD diagnosis for their child so that he or she may possibly study more intently, focus on tests, and get better overall grades (14). Children obtain false senses of security which leads many to put trust in a capsule or a pill and disregard individual responsibilities to work without the aid of a drug. Stating a similar fact, Machan explains that children must learn to be held responsible for their behavior and every physical condition cannot be corrected by a drug (151).

Russel A Barkley of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center states that 'we are giving kids medication rather than dealing with their problems' (14). Psychological dependence upon a medication is an addiction to something that is almost always not necessary especially when Ritalin with its unknown effects is used a tool by impatient parents. Ritalin creeps into society as a drug with a big name and reputation for being widely used; in addition, the illegal side effect of abuse comes along into the picture. Classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, Ritalin comes under strict regulations and quotas from the federal government dictating the amount of the drug that can be manufactured (Bailey 2). Abusing the drug usually takes place by snorting or injecting Ritalin into the body which stimulates cocaine-like effects along with an armful of unwanted symptoms that invade normal biological processes (Bailey 4). Intravenous use of Ritalin as Bailey explains, exposes the body to many dust particles and even smaller bacteria which can attach to the needle, flow straight into the blood, and contaminate the circulatory system (4).

Snorting Ritalin, which is more common, harms the body just as much as does intravenous abuse. Ritalin tablets contain hydrochloride salt which produces dilute hydrochloric acid when it comes in contact with moisture; once inside the nasal passages, the acid burns the tender nasal tissues which controls the olfactory sense in the body (Bailey 5). The price that some people pay to damage their bodies expresses the lack of commonsense which abusers have. In the illicit street drug market, tablets usually cost between three to fifteen dollars for a tablet that is no larger than a tic found in the woods in size (Bailey 2).

As ADD diagnosis increases, doctors " demand for Ritalin increases to distribute to the patient; however, due to government restrictions on manufacturing quotas, the amount of the drug available is limited and abuse of the drug hinders the number of pills on the legal market (Bailey 2). Hancock alerts that one of the most common places of illegal sell of Ritalin lies on the school yards of America; enterprising children see the opportunity to make some money and neglect their parents' waste of money every time a prescription is written (56). Even government regulations cannot control Ritalin with policemen on every playground in the United States. Society reaps a harvest of malignant effects by the abuse of Ritalin and most people see nothing wrong.

God has given the knowledge to researchers and developers of pharmaceuticals to design drugs in order that people benefit from the use. If doctors abuse the privilege to diagnose afflictions and distribute medicines, then society will become corrupt with drugs and illegal drug sells. Physicians must respect the privilege and give drugs to those who are medically in need of it and not just as a pacifier. Ritalin can be a help if the proper research and study determines what the drug actually effects and who requires the drug for healthier living and better focus on life.