Pablo Ruiz Picasso example essay topic
Picasso was born in Malaga on the 25th of October 1881. The only children of the family were Pablo and his younger sister. As you know Spaniards take the name of one's father and of one's mother. The name Ruiz was his father's. His mother's was Picasso. His birth name is Pablo Ruiz Picasso.
Since its such a long name its a pain to sign so he shortened it. On Pablo's earlier canvases he signed Pablo Ruiz but later changed his name to who we know of now, Pablo Picasso. Picasso is of Italian origin and the Picasso were silversmiths. Physically Pablo resembles his mother, small and robust with a vigorous body, dark-skinned, straight not very fine black hair. Picasso used to always say that his father was like an English-man. His father, Jos'e Ruiz B lasco was tall and had reddish hair and an English way of carrying himself.
As a child Picasso was making drawings, not the drawings of a child would have but one a painter would have painted. When he was fifteen years old he would make oil portraits of his younger sister. He painted like a born painter. Then at age nineteen Picasso was off to Paris. Two months later he went back to Barcelona sold some paintings. Picasso settled in Madrid and starts the magazine " Arte Joven " with the writer Francisco de Assis Sale.
Soon after Picasso goes back to Barcelona and then back to Paris again. Picasso had friends but none of where painters, no they were all writers. In 1902 Picasso returned to Spain and painting in his Blue period. Being in away from Spain for a while he forgot how colorless it is. The colors of Spain are white, black, silver and gold yet it was still beautiful. Span in a sense is not like other southern countries, "It is oriental, women there wear black more often then other colors in Spain, the earth is dry and gold in color, the sky is blue and almost black, and the air is very light.
All the same I like Spain". Gertrude Stein 30 and the result is Picasso's Blue period. Then again in 1904 he was once again in Paris. Paris is now in it's own Rose period.
The influence from his helped one of his first known paintings " Little Girl with a Basket of Flowers "1905. Painters have always liked the circus, even with the rise of cinema and night clubs, they like to still remember the clowns and acrobats of the circus. A painting to show of the influence by the circus is " Acrobat on a Ball "1904-1905.1908-1909, Picasso barley showed his works at exhibits. He said "When one went on exhibition and looked at the pictures of other painters one knows that they are bad and so they are not hopelessly bad". Picasso's first cubist pictures were landscapes, but then almost at once he started using it in expressing people.
Picasso still did not reach his peak of cubism till later. In 1910 to 1912 it was mainly still life. Picasso's pictures began to get more brilliant in color and then war broke out in 1914. By the end of the war 1917-1920 Picasso was is a realistic period. During the Spanish civil war is when Picasso was awaken and made a large painting that is the most know of all his works of art, "Guernica". After the wars he used all the sadness and pain from the death of his Spanish people.
Most of his paints where done ink later in century. Pablo Picasso continued to work and paint till he past away in.