Parents Of Harassment Students example essay topic
The people most likely to know what is going on are other children. Children who are being bullied often do not tell anyone because they feel weak or ashamed. ' 1 This is the issue that needs to be addressed, students will not communicate with teachers / parents or seek help from teachers / parents if they are being bullied. This essay will address this need through how other schools have dealt with this problem. A school of approximately 450 students from middle to low income families reduced their harassment problem by introducing peer mediation. Firstly, changes were introduced within the student council, where a representative from each grade level was elected.
Secondly, teachers were to demonstrate a positive role towards the new behaviour management system, and this in turn helped towards their 'Working It Out' process, with students getting involved in dealing with the harassment issue. Thirdly, a peer mediation team was setup that dealt with harassment that is more interpersonal. Mediation is now occurring on a regular basis and most issues brought to the mediators are resolved easily. The school intends to continue to expand on the mediation team-training students as others leave school. 2 Another school of 750 students in a secondary, coeducational setup included a variety of cultural backgrounds throughout the school. This school recognized that a harassment problem was occurring in the school and a zero tolerance outcome was adapted for the school.
There was a survey carried out for students from years 8 - 10 to gain a students perspective on the harassment situation in the school. The result of the survey helped teachers gain an understanding of what areas the harassment problems were prominent. A register was then setup to monitor those harassment and being bullied and workshops were setup for these students. Then a second survey was conducted and the results were used to see what refining of the program needed to be done. A full week of activities was then setup of to deal with bullies head on, and eventually an ongoing weekly school magazine where staff and students get involved was introduced. 2 Another positive example is a small country secondary school, consisting of mainly Anglo-Saxon with a small Indigenous component.
The school noticed that the behaviour of the students in the playground during recess and lunchtime was a problem. Firstly, a number of surveys were completed, with conflicting results, which lead to a harassment task force being put in place. A four-step program was then set up. Firstly, ask the person who is harassing you to stop, secondly, formalize this with a written request to the year adviser or deputy principal, thirdly invite parents of harassment students in to discuss the matter, and finally apply sanctions if needed.
This concept was then taken to the community through radio, fairs and even approaching the local council. 2 Another school of approximately 750 students in a semi rural area, already had a broad and working anti-harassment program, but had a rather large homophobia issue within the school and community. The school decided to tackle the issue with a two-day conference on how to create a safe and supportive environment free of homophobic abuse. Drama activities were setup to raise awareness and educate towards all homosexual issues. Participation was targeted towards the audience compared to passive education of the audience. Links were also setup for parents, students and staff to safe environments and the community's 'out' homosexuals.
2 Another large school from the United Kingdom had effectively dealt with the issue of harassment through some of the ways mentioned above. This school though had come across another harassment problem through a new context, mobile phones. As the number of students using mobile phones had increased throughout the school, staff had noticed that a rather large amount of phone harassment had been occurring, especially through 'txt' messaging. The school had decided that action needed to be taken to combat this new medium of harassment.
A database of phone numbers was setup within the school and any students possessing mobile phones had to enter their own number into the database, or the phone would be considered contraband. If phone harassment then occurred, the numbers may be traced and the bully stopped and dealt with through their peer mediation process. 3 Harassment is a problem that occurs throughout most schools, but through the right steps can be reduced and controlled. Harassment can never be fully removed but can be dealt with affectively.
As discussed above each school had its own unique way of dealing with harassment but throughout all some common factors occurred. The introduction of peer mediators / support was an effective way to communicate with students because of the student-to-student relation that was set up through these groups. It is to be noted though that effective training is required for this manner to work as ineffective peer mediation training can lead to more problems than solutions. When a school is to tackle the problem of harassment the concept of the whole school, and community, getting involved worked extremely well. If the attempt at removing harassment were only tackled half-heartedly, this method would not work as well as the whole school tackling the problem at once.
Cultural and ethical diversity is also another key factor in the reduction of harassment in schools, if a school creates a better understanding of the cultural and ethical differences through activities harassment would be reduced. If some, or all, of the factors are taken into consideration in a school reduction in harassment can be achieved.
1. Australian Government, School Education Publications for 2004 [online] Available from: web [Accessed 1st April 2005] 2.
Bullying No Way! [online] Available from: web [Accessed 1st April 2005] 3.