People The Confederate Flag example essay topic

308 words
Stars and Bars, heritage or hatred I believe banning the confederate flag is a violation of freedom of speech. People have the right to have their own beliefs. I understand both sides on this, but for some people the confederate flag stands for a part of their heritage. Some wear the flag promoting being born and raised in the south, not because the south had slavery.

There is no real explanation for wanting to ban the flag except school officials bring their own beliefs into the decision. How can they expect our schools to ban something they are teaching about in the classroom? The confederacy is a part of American history. If they ban the confederate flag what will they ban next? Would they tell a Jewish student they couldn't wear a Yakima, or an Indian student they couldn't wear something that represented the Indian heritage? If the ban goes through I think the students who are wearing the confederate flag have a valid argument about why others are allowed to wear articles of clothing from their heritage.

If you ask me, this is discrimination of its own form. It is no different to discriminate against someone just because they want to stand behind the flag, than it is to discriminate against someone who believes the flag only stands for racism and anti-American. Kids should be able to wear what they want to school as long as it neat, clean and has no profanity. For kids this is a way to start to become independent. If we mandate everything kids do, say, and wear we are going to breed a bunch of followers. Then what will we do when we have no one that stands up for his or her rights and beliefs?