People Thomas More example essay topic

374 words
A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS In this play there are people who are against Thomas More. The people against him are the people who persecuted him. Cromwell was one of the leaders of the people who persecuted Thomas More. Cromwell said "When the king wants something done, Ido it".

I think Cromwell said this because he did not want his head to be cut off so all he did was kiss up to the king. The author said "More is a man of an angels wit... and a time require th a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes; and sometimes of as sad gravity: a man for all seasons". I truly believe this is the truth. One of the men was Rich, a confused young man who wanted to have power. He said "but every man has his price... in money too, or pleasure, titles, women, bricks-and-mort at, there's always something".

The people Thomas More associated with to me were ordinary people. I think the ordinary people were Thomas More, his family, and a few other friends. First they thought he was doing the right thing by following his true believes, but then they tried to convince him to stop because he had already made his point about the law and his religion. Bolt characterized him as a man as a man who could never give up until his word had gotten across to the foolish people. This would have worked for More if the rest of the departments even the members of the church had stuck with him.

But only the foolish get the worse of it, excluding More. "Yes what would you do? Cut a great road through the law to go after the devil?" This is what More said. I think this shows that More is different than the people against him. In More's last words he said to Margaret " in matters of conscience the loyal subject is more likely to be loyal to his conscience than to any other thing". In my opinion Morris a saint because he never let go of his beliefs in the law and his faith..