People Waste Time And Money example essay topic

620 words
Today American dream is immensely different than that of the 50's or 60's. When I look at today's dream I see one of selfish aspirations, one of greed and a drive for wealth. Today is a society based on your job position, money, and fame. Less focus is put on the poverty stricken and ones who really are in need of care. Instead of looking out for the betterment of mankind, American's have engrossed themselves in materialistic greed. A society that once looked for freedom, and strove for a candid society now looks inward.

Today's generation seeks instant gratification. Everything has to be immediate. It's more about gratification then that of helping or meeting the needs of fellow people. In the 1950's the people had just gone through the depression and W.W. II. Their dream was of peace, economic stability, a home, and a family. The 1960's saw a revolt against traditional American society.

It was a revolt against rules, values, and an unpopular war. Evidence of this revolt could be witnessed in colleges and popular music. The 60's were also a time of social consciousness. People became aware of the unjustness of war and racial prejudice. The 70's marked the end of the Vietnam War and the end of a President. People became more concerned about material things then the needs of society The 80's under Ronald Reason brought a great time of prosperity, which added to the materialistic pursuits of Americans.

Society became even more wealthy and very success oriented. The goal of the country became more and more focused on wealth and success. Technology dramatically changed society in the 90's. It sped up the way we communicate, gather information, and how we live. The pursuit of success was now put in high gear.

The effect of these pursuits were evident in the 2000's now seen in corporation scandals such as ENRON and other wealthy corporations. Everyone wants to make money quickly without working for it. People waste time and money on buying lottery tickets, gambling, and frivolous lawsuits. All these behaviors demonstrate the self centered, materialistic society we have become In my opinion the best thing to do with your money is to wisely budget it.

My advice would be to live like my Uncle and Aunt. They never buy anything on credit, if they don't have the money, they work and work until they can succeed in making enough money to make their purchase. One should also have enough money in your savings account to live for at least 3 months in case of an emergency. I can't say I'm specifically ambitious towards anything in my life. My goal is to be wise with my money and live a modest life. I will work hard and do what it takes to succeed in life, but I will not die living a life of greed that leads my reveling in the amount of money I have.

My dream is obviously different than that of most Americans, but I plan on following in the right direction. Its obviously shown and proven that our society has definitely molded into something else. In a lot of cases it's worse although we have expanded the horizon vastly with the technological wave. As I see the constant suffering and displeasure in Americans, I think it would be beneficial if they let go of the constant demands for money. If they would do so I believe they would live a much more complete and well-rounded life.