Perfect My Relationship With My Parents example essay topic

519 words
My Life: A Perilous Journey A perilous journey; the perfect phrase to describe my entire eighteen year life. As far back as I can recall, I have been running into numerous trials and tribulations that had to be resolved before I was able to progress further. Some of these issues are still being dealt with at present. Dealing with these issues is something of an ongoing process I suppose. One such issue is my difficult relationship with my parents. Although I love and care for them deeply, I have had my share of difficulties with them, as I am sure all teens have had with their parents.

The primary problem I have with my parents, is their lack of understanding of myself. I don't think they know what it is like to be me and therefore do not understand the reasoning behind the decisions I make. It is an ongoing conflict in my household as I am constantly struggling to justify the things I do to my parents. Still, I am confident that with time, I will be able to perfect my relationship with my parents, I am anxiously awaiting that stage of my life. Another major part of my perilous journey in life was moving to Canada. I moved to Toronto in 1996, and as a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I found myself in quite a bewildered state.

I expected to have quite a few problems in my transition to this foreign land. Adjusting to my new school environment was quite a task at first, but I was soon able to adjust myself with the help of some friends I had made. Living in Canada itself was quite different from the Philadelphia environment I had become used to. I found the native Canadians here to be more friendly and at first it was quite strange to see them acting in this manner. Nevertheless, I adjusted myself to life in Canada and I am happy to say tha I am quite pleased with life here. At present, I am facing the perilous journey of High School at Meadowvale Secondary School.

A lifestyle filled with assignments, homework, ISU's etc. It is quite a stressful lifestyle, having to keep up with the tremendous workload that the Meadowvale teachers generously hand out. The pressures a high school student has to deal with are quite immense when you consider just how superficial they are. It is quite a difficult place to be when you actually think about it.

Imagine a world in which ones physical appearance and attire are the sole determining factors of their social status. Thus far I have learnt quite a bit from this perilous journey that is my life, the most important of which is that there is much more in store for me in the future. I am told that this is nothing but a trivial stage of my life and that I should prepare myself to face far greater challenges as I mature.