Perfect Present For My Mother example essay topic

787 words
The Perfect Birthday It was a nice warm summer day in China. It is the year of 1998. The sun was shinning and the birds were chirping. When I walked outside to meet my friend Lee all I could hear were little bells ringing. The sound was familiar and I then understood that it came from everybody riding his or her bikes.

My friend Lee was coming with me to find a gift for my mother. Her birthday and my birthday were on the same day, about a week from now. We started out at a store called Great Savings, we went in there and everything was cheap but nothing that my mother would be interested in. I wanted this to be the perfect gift; she was turning 40 this year. My sister had gotten her this really neat tea set. It was blue and white and had symbols drawn on the cups and the teapot.

The symbols meant tradition, friendship, and communication. This tea set was more of a modern tea set, one of the newer ones out there. I just knew my mother would love her present and I wanted to get her something just as nice. Another day passed and I still could not find that perfect present for my mother. I was trying to remember what she had wanted or needed.

I was looking at clothes but then I was afraid she would not like them if I bought them for her. Then I remembered, she always was complaining about how she needed a purse. She would say how she kept dropping her lipstick and money all the time because it kept slipping out of her hands. That was it; I was determined to find the best purse for her. It took me a couple days to find the right one but I found it. It was called a bamboo basket.

This purse was what every girl wanted now days. It was made from bamboo, and had little spaces in between each strip of bamboo. It was perfect I knew she would just love it! When I got home I wrapped my mothers present and set it on the table. Tomorrow was our birthday I know I was excited. I walked into the family room and saw our Buddha sitting on the table.

I thought I would rub it just for some good luck. I liked this Buddha the most out of all of ours, it was big and red Buddha was fat, but that meant he was healthy and he always had a smile on his face. My mom was already setting up for the big party we have every year for our birthdays. All of our family comes over and we have a big celebration. My mom was hanging the lanterns all around the backyard. These lanterns were my favorite, they were big and circular lights and my mom would put candles inside of them to make the light.

Our lanterns meant happiness, joy, and summer. My favorite lantern was the red one, because when you but the candle in it, it gave off a red light. Well it was the next day and you know what that is... my mom and my birthday. I was so excited to receive my presents and to see my mothers face when she opens her presents. My mother ended up loving her bamboo basket she said it was just what she needed. She thanked me and gave me a hug and a kiss.

She enjoyed her tea set from my sister also; she said she would use it for when company comes over. I got a ton of presents, but my two favorites were my blue and white beanie and my little drum. My blue and white beanie was known as a rich boys hat, but I loved it, I never wanted to take it off. It was a little beanie that sat on your head and alternated the colors blue and white. My other favorite was called the little drum. This was a drum with two strings coming from the sides with round little pieces of wood, and the drum was connected to a stick.

You would spin the stick in your hand to let the little drum make noise. This was one of the best birthdays I've ever had because I got to find my mother the perfect present and I got one as well.