Perfection example essay topic

415 words
Perfection. Perfection can no longer be reached through anyone else. Instead one must look inwards to seek a state of inner calm. This does not work.

It is well known and generally accepted fact that no-one is perfect. Doesn't stop us trying. Doesn't stop us crying. I don't care about being perfect or being the same. I only ever wanted to be me. It was never easy to discover my true identity underneath the myriad of masks I had placed on myself.

I found it eventually. I worked hard to maintain myself, through thick and thin. Yet soon I found this was yet another mask. I cannot keep my feelings within. And so now what must happen is I must simply let myself go.

Just accept the way I feel, and try to express myself in a way only I can figure out for myself. No-one can tell me what to do, or how I choose to show myself to the world. The choice is mine and mine alone. So fuck all you bull-shit preachers, who say that 'hell is other people'. Hell can only be found in oneself, because if you are hell, then it doesn't matter what others are.

And if they are hell, why should that bother you? Can it pierce you inner sanctum of perfection? Through good times and shit times we cannot maintain the same outlook, simply because these are different. And so our true selves is ever changing, ever evolving, either for good or worse. This is not to say however, that don't follow the same basic principles. I try my hardest to care about things.

On some subjects I have just given up hope. But not on human beings. Humans are incredible creatures, capable of both great hate and great love. I have not lost faith in the good side of human nature, even though most seem to have succumbed to all that is 'bad' about it. Everyone can love.

Everyone can be loved. This is a gift that we have been blessed with. So if you " re in love, don't ask why, just enjoy the gift. And if you are in turn loved, don't question, just revel in the fact that you are perfect to that person.

Perfection is other people..