Picture example essay topic

221 words
I want to believe to a memory and love, left man after him and no matter what he did no matter what he does and will do in his future, he just has to do something good for world's sake, something important to every body who he is surrounded with, let it be a very little thing? There was a man, so he created how to write and read, he taught then children how to do it. Soon they became talented writers; there was a man, he painted pictures and in the museums people were feeling better in their hearts looking at them; there was a man, he planted a seedling, after some years it grew up a big tree and made the air cleaner. There will be a man and he will continue loving, his love will retain through the centuries and after thousand years you? ll see a tree full if green leaves, under it's shadow will sit a painter drawing a picture on canvas of a writer with a lot of papers on his knees and many other people will be around them walking, smiling from the bottom of their hearts.

You can explain a picture and you? ll see that the only name for it – is the one?? life is beautiful? ..