Plain English And Plain Language example essay topic
Readers need to know what is being said not how it is being said (1). Plain English is defined as something that the intended audience can read, understand and act upon the first time they read it (4). Plain English is needed in all kinds of public information, such as forms, leaflets, agreements, and contracts. The golden rule is that plain English should be used in any information that ordinary people rely on when they make decisions (4). People have the right and the need to make informed decisions about money and the law.
If the way a document is written affects that decision then that creates moral issues. WHAT ROLE DOES WRITTEN COMMUNICATION PLAY IN BUSINESS Businesses are successful when they communicate well with their customers. There are several benefits to businesses who practice Plain English. The benefits to businesses are saving time and money with: Less paper Reduces error Less ink Increases cash flow Less printing costs Decreases storage cost Less postage Environmentally friendly Increase Sales Fewer customers complaints WHAT ISSUES OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION MUST THE MANAGEMENT OF A BUSINESS BE AWARE WHY The legal, medical, pharmaceutical, and finance industries cause the most concern. Management in these industries need to remove the jargon, legal language, and technical terms from documents written for people who are not familiar with these terms. Management should use Plain English because it saves the writer and the reader time and it saves money.
Also, Plain English creates a good image for an organization Management needs to take into account design and layout as well as language. 1. Bove e, Courtland. "Business Communication Handout". Principles of Written Communication. 2.
Bowne & Co (1998), "Plain English Handbook". U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1-77.3. Plain English, Updated: 08/08/2000 web best value / plain english. html Accessed: 09/18/00.4. Plain English Campaign, Updated 08/04/2000 web Accessed: 09/18/00.5. Plain English and Plain Language. Updated 08/06/2000 web.