Point The Grandmother example essay topic

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A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND By Flannery O? Connor The Setting: The setting of the story? A Good Man is Hard To Find? in the beginning is in the dinning room, where everybody is sitting and reading the paper? He was sitting on the edge of his chair at the table? in Atlanta and the month is June or July, because the children are at home and they are about to go on a vacation. Then the second important setting of the story is outside of Toombsboro, on a dirt road, the time is afternoon and the sky is clear with no clouds or any sun. Explanation: This story?

Connor, is a very good example of a typical mediocre family, who is about to go on vacation to Florida. The writer explains the situations very well. Like the first seen when the Grandmother is talking to her only son? Bailey? trying to change his mind, not to go to Florida instead go to Tennessee.

At this point the writer is trying to convey something to the readers, a foreshadowing of an event that is going to happen later on in the story. Along with this there is a second message for the readers, when she points out the misfits on the loose headed to Florida, she gives this reason not to go to there? I wouldn? t take my children in any direction with a criminal like that a loose in it.? At this point the writer introduces us to the characters, presumably the children and their mother, she doesn? t give the mother's name, but she does comment about the children.? John Wesley, a stocky child with glasses? and? the little girl, June Star? The children start arguing with their grandmother on the topic of the misfits and try their best that she wouldn? t go with them on the trip.

She wouldn? t stay at home for a million bucks, afraid she? d miss something. She has to go everywhere we go. ' The next day they all set out for their trip in their car, the writer in a way compares the children's mother and the Grandmother, for the way they are dressed.? The children's mother still had on slacks? but the grandmother had on a navy blue straw sailor hat?? by this the writer wants us to get inside of the old lady and lets us know that? in case of accident?? here the writer gives us another clue for an upcoming event that's going to happen later in the story. During the trip John Wesley suggests that they go through Georgia a kind of a shortcut, so that they don? t have to go through Tennessee. At this point the grandmother starts talking about her times when children were respectful to their elders and had more respect for them.

Then suddenly points out at a little kid standing in a doorway. And expresses her feeling that? If I could paint, I? d paint that picture, ? The writer then tells us about the trip until the afternoon when the stop over at a restaurant? The Tower was a part stucco and part wood filling station and dance hall? where they get something to eat. The writer now introduces us to two new characters, Red Sammy, ?

A fat man named Red Sammy Butts?? and Red Sammy's wife? a tall burnt-brown woman with hair and eyes lighter than her skin? Here the grandmother chats with Red Sam, which he initiates and grandmother joins in, ? These days you don? t know who to trust, Ain? t that the truth?? They start talking about people and end up on the news that the grandmother had read in the paper, about The Misfit, ? Did you read about that criminal, The Misfit, that's escaped?? After the leave the dinner, when they? re outside of Toombsboro, the grandmother starts talking about a beautiful house she had visited when she was a young lady.

She talks about all the good things that the house has and to make her son? Bailey? go there she even tells a lie, ? There was a secret panel in this house? not telling the truth?? By this the children get excited and started screaming at their dad to take them there, ? The children began to yell and scream? THEY wanted to do.?

By this Bailey got angry and shouted at everybody to stop talking, and that he would make this only one stop for such a thing and then the grandmother directs him to the dirt road he has to take to get to this house. While he was driving through the dirt road, and the grandmother was still thinking about the house, she had a terrible thought, that her feet jumped up, which caused the cat? Pitty Sing? to jump on Bailey's shoulder after which he lost control of the car and they had a terrible accident, but everybody was okay, except some bruises. The thought that she had was, ? the house she remembered so vividly was not in Georgia but in Tennessee.? Here the writer introduces us to the Antagonist of the story, The Misfit, who comes to their rescue / execution. He comes with two other guys; ?

One was fat boy in black trousers? with a stallion embossed on the front of It.? his name was Bobby Lee, ? The other had on khaki pants? hiding most of his face.? His name was Hiram. The writer describes The Misfit, but does not give his name; this is what he calls himself. He greets everybody and then starts talking with the grandmother, meanwhile he orders one of the guys to check the car, Hiram reports that it will take him half an hour to fix it. Bailey doesn? t like the idea of the grandmother talking to The Misfit about the weather and says, ?

Hush!? and tries to take control of the situation, which does not happen. Instead, The Misfit orders Hiram to take Bailey and John Wesley in the woods, with Bobby Lee. At this point Bailey tries to talk to them but is scared to death, ? and his voice cracked? he tells his mother that he? ll be back in a minute, but never returns, instead Bobby Lee returns with Bailey shirt, which he tosses to The Misfit. Then he asks the children's mother and June Star to do the same thing, what Bailey and John Wesley did.

Now the grandmother is terrified from the situation and can? t even speak, the only words that come out of her mouth are? Jesus, Jesus? the writer explains this moment, as if the grandmother wanted to curse The Misfit so bad that due her fear she could only say Jesus, Jesus in a way it sounded that she was cursing at The Misfit. The writer explains the shouts of the children's mother, which was followed by her execution shots. The grandmother still tries her best to talk herself out of this situation, ? You? ve got good blood! I know you wouldn? t shoot a lady!? she tries to offer him money, which he turns down saying and recalling his previous profession as an undertaker, ? there never was a body that give the undertaker a tip.?

And he shoots the old lady. The writer explains the pain that she goes through when she gets shoot, ? raised her head like a parched old turkey hen crying for water and called, ? Bailey Boy, Bailey Boy!?? at this The Misfit passes a comment that shows his smart mind and by this the writer wants us to know that The Misfit is not some killer he is a smart man who got trapped by the consequences of his life and turned the way he is, on the run from the law. The last words the grandmother speaks are that he like her child and touches him on the shoulder, the writer tells us that he backs up like if a snake had bitten him, by this the writer wants to tell us that The Misfit is not used to people touching him and this shows his mental health and the reason of his brutality, which is followed by three more shots to grandmother in the chest. My Point of View (POV) The story? Connor is a good example of a family going on a trip, I personally liked it, because it kind of told my trips that I had to take with my family in a jam packed car for three or four hours.

Although my trips never ended like this one, thank God. I liked the way the writer explains each and every detail, but at the same time she doesn? t go into that much detail either. She tries to limit her explanation of the situation which helps the reader stay focused on the story, and not to get lost in small details. The writer uses a lot of foreshadowing for the story, to let us know that the character The Misfit, who is the Antagonist of the story according to me, is going to play an important part in the end. The writer shows the Protagonist, the grandmother, talking about The Misfit most of the times but does not takes it seriously, and later on they come face to face. I liked the way the writer has written the part for the grandmother, I think that, the role of grandmother in this story explains all the grandmothers that there are, that they would even lie to get there way and they would indulge the kids to have their way from their own children.

For which most of the time little kids do fall for and in the end the gain is to the grandparents and very little for the grandchildren. In the end I would like to say that the title first mislead me, into thinking that this is going to be a story about some women trying to find a good man in this world for themselves or the love of their life. But after reading the story I am glad that the story wasn? t what I thought it would be, instead it was more interesting, and intriguing on the fact that there aren? t any trust worthy people left in this world and that everything is self motivated. case studies in abnormal behavior, Myers, Robert G.