Political Issues example essay topic
Many of us feel that politicians are no longer trustworthy. 'I am not saying that every politician is corrupt,' ; states Mazzaferro, it's just hard to believe what he or she says is true when our generation has witnessed such harsh realities involving political figures. For example: the Monica Lewinsky ordeal that involved President Clinton. How are we supposed to trust a President who lies and commits forms of adultery to run our country effectively?
Still many X'ers are too consumed in themselves to even worry about who is elected to our heads of state. They either think that their votes will not make a difference, or that the majority of people will vote for the same candidates that have been elected again and again by their name recognition alone. We as Generation X need to elect people that can associate themselves with the issues that affect the people today, and the new issues that will arise tomorrow in order to change the politics in this country. These types of situations make it hard for X'ers to take a stand and voice their opinions. What we need is a new political dialogue that will enable our generation to control more political power in this country. This new political dialogue can only begin if we start to become more interested in what goes on outside of our daily lifestyles, because it's not about us anymore, it's about them, the future generations to come.
We as X'ers need to stop being so absorbed in ourselves and focus on issues that will change the future for the better. 'Instead of killing any chance for political debate by framing our values as mere matters of personal taste,' ; states John Leo in his essay entitled 'The Unmaking of Civic Culture'; . The only way that our generation is ever going to gain any political power in this country is to come together as a whole and vote to get what we want. It doesn't take much effort to go to a district and cast a ballot. Still many of us have not got the picture that voting is the answer. If Generation X as a whole took the time to vote maybe we could make a difference in who will represent our city, state or country.
Or maybe we could even end some of the corruption involved within our government. By voting and becoming more involved in political issues we can begin to clear up the misconceptions that other generations have bestowed upon us. There is no way to escape politics in this country; being apathetic is simply giving up whatever power we have to change the system, and when it comes to political issues in this country, voting is the only way for our voices to be heard. By expressing our right to vote, other generations will be reassured that one-day Generation X will inherit the nation and have enough sense to keep the country in order. The power is there.
It is in our hearts, our souls, and most importantly our voices.