Pollution In Sydney example essay topic

360 words
Pollution in Sydney and the world Pollution in Sydney today is rising to an alarming rate. The amount of waste that Sydney produces everyday is amazing compared to all the other major cities in Australia, even though it has the highest amount of people in Australia, the pollution levels are way too high. There have been many things that the council of Sydney have brought in to try and make the pollution in Sydney less severe. Some examples of this are transit lines, buses and a new thing that has been introduced to the city are mono-rails. The people of Sydney are starting to realise the beauty of all this "public transport" and are using it a lot more often. There are still quite a number of people in Sydney that think that using their car is a better way of getting around town, but if they thought about it a bit more they should and would realise that they " re just causing more traffic on the roads which slows more people down, and more pollution which damages the ozone layer.

The pollution in Sydney is just a taste of all the other city's in the world that have thriving countries that pump out more and more pollution every year. This affects all the people of the world in some way or another. Some of the things that might get worse every year from more pollution being put into the atmosphere are; - Higher intensity of sunlight being beamed down onto the earth - Acid rain - Destruction of many species of plants and animals, and many more things that contribute towards the "Greenhouse Effect". There are 100,000's of synthetic organic chemicals used in the world today, but the worst of them are called Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). There are 3 types of POP's and they are; - Pesticides - Industrial chemicals products - Waste products. - These things are very hard to explain, but in brief these are why three things are bad for the environment and why they are such a big player in today's pollution.