Pop Up Card Mechanisms V example essay topic

330 words
POP-UP CARD MECHANISMS (1) V-FOLD MECHANISMS V-folding mechanisms are very popular and are simple to make. To make the pop-up section, add tabs to a rectangular piece of card. Glue the tabs to the backing card but remember that the angle must be chosen carefully. Draw the angle of bend on the card first before gluing the pop- up piece to it. HOW AN INTERNAL STAND MECHANISM WORKS Interesting pop-up designs can be produced by making two cuts to a backing card and bending the card inwards so that it forms a small stand (inside the card). Images can be placed on the stand so that when the card is opened the image 'pops' up.

A more difficult pop-up card can be produced by making the stand separately. This can be seen above. Remember to include tabs as these will be the surfaces that are used to glue the stand to the card. The diagram with the tiger image shows a pop-up card that has a small double stand. When the card is opened, the image 'pops' up. POP-UP CARD MECHANISMS (2) ROTARY CARD MECHANISMS Rotary mechanisms can be used in many ways.

The greetings card below allows the user to rotate a circular card disk which has eye designs drawn on. This changes the eyes on the front of the card. A brass split pin holds the disk to the card front but allows it be rotate. MOUTH MECHANISM This simple folding technique is ideal for forming a mechanism that unfolds when a card is closed. This could be the mouth of a cartoon or similar character. POP-UP CARD MECHANISMS (3) SLIDE MECHANISMS Slide mechanisms can add movement to an image.

The basic construction is shown below. This can make a good greetings card if an image is added to the card front and a background to suit it in.