Population Control example essay topic

479 words
One of the biggest problems with the world today is our rapidly growing global population. With the current population being at over 6 billion, every second five people are born and two people die which means the population grows by 3 people per second. I predict that if we do not do something about this problem soon, the Earth is going to reach its maximum capacity and we will slowly run out of resources, which could cause wide-spread famine and eventually lead to the population dropping down to a normal level again, or perhaps there may be a natural disaster such as a worldwide earthquake that would leave only a select 1000 people living. We need to act now to prevent a disaster such as this happening.

I believe that if we teach sex education properly in all of our schools, and the people of the world are able to acquire birth control easily when they need it we can stop this expeditiously growing problem. Our survival depends on population control and also better management of our precious natural resources. Because we are very limited in the amount, natural resources need to be managed accordingly. We should plan a new way to manage the planets natural resources. As our population grows, most of our problems will only worsen.

These problems include air and water pollution, not enough fresh water, too many overcrowded schools, quality of life may become worse, taxes increase, crimes increase, people with out jobs or homes, soil pollution. The chance of having one natural disaster take down all of the population but a select few is extremely slim, but possible. Earth has a unique way of working, and if there are too many people on the planet, mother nature may take control. We need to find other methods of controlling the population so that we do not have to suffer through death or th death of loved ones. We can stop this problem, but it wont just happen, people have to do something about it.

By teaching proper sex education in schools and offering free courses around the world we can help to better inform people about the dangers of the population continuing to grow. Birth control is also a good method, except many countries and religions do not believe in forms of birth control. If these contraceptives were easily available to all people the population growth would not be such a problem. If the global population continues to grow, and does not even out anytime soon there is going to become a point where we will see some kind of devastation.

Whether it be natural disasters, famine, or possibly something else, we will have wished that we had taken the precautions prior to the point of devastation.