Positive Aspects About Christianity And Islam example essay topic

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The extent to which this religion has rooted itself into the public consciousness can be measured by the simple fact, that we, whatever our attitude towards it might be, still using the calendar, which has, as its starting point the birth of Jesus Christ. And it seems, this is Okay with many people. When one begins to study an ancient history, he gets to experience a certain psychological discomfort, related to dealing with this counter wise conception of time. On one hand, there is a continuous development, cultural exultation, and perfection in forms, skills and knowledge, heyday of all sciences on the other this counter wise countdown, that usually precedes the launch of a missile or test of nuclear weapon. It turns the historical process inside out, creating the illusion of a time disappearance. Jesus himself describes what his mission was all about: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword (Matthew 10: 34).

And he sure did. The pagan Gods of those times, with their petty human sacrifices, cant even stand comparison to what being done in the name of this scrawny little man, nailed to the cross. The essence of Christian faith is denial of this earthly life. At the time of Christianity being at its strongest, there used to be whole villages willing to accept death in fire, rather then make any slight adjustments to a doctrine. Many monks would cut of their genitals, thinking it would please God; the most of Christian Saints were being killed in most violent methods, ever imaginable yet they actually enjoyed this being done to them and used to bless those responsible for it. Modern psychiatry would clearly classify such actions as a sign of certain psychological deviations.

"If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple". (Luke 14: 26) this is one among many great principles, upon Christianity is based on. If we look from historical point of view, it appears very doubtful whether this religion had ever benefited anyone, except priests, who had the exclusive right to interpret the Gods will. It needs to be noted that when Islam is more tolerant towards Christianity (Jesus Christ, according to Quran, is one of the prophets), true Christian believers, who stand fast in their superstitions, still reject any cooperation with anyone but brothers and sisters in Christ. Around 1910, Henri Matisse predicted that by 1960, at the very latest, the only churches left in the civilized world would be the ones that were preserved as museum pieces for their architectural beauty or historical associations. The scientific and historical knowledge accumulated by our civilization had rendered belief in supernatural beings impossible for cultivated men, and universal education would speedily destroy the credulity of the masses.

"We have climbed out of the dead end of the dungeon into which Christianity cast us. The man of today walks in the open air and the daylight. He has won confidence in himself". Of course, great artist, was making his predictions from factual material available back then. Yet, it probably wouldnt be too daring now to say that by year 2050, Christianity has good chances to extinct. While we clearly live in time of ducks of Christianity, Islam seems to be on the rise.

It is explainable while for most of Christians going to the Church became boring but necessary weekly ritual, people get down on their knees and pray Allah five times a day even in such highly developed countries like Malaysia. Muslim religion is very much alive, but again, such state is being artificially maintained by those Islamic fundamentalists, who never get tired of waiting for the sign from God. Knowing that the Allah is only God and being faithful believers, they cant quite grasp why their countries are still way behind West in economic and social development. They think that is because they are not being very good Muslims and God is angry with them for some reason. So then they begin to follow every rule of Quran (which are contradictory, just as Bibles), making women to cover their faces and other kind of nonsense. Yet it doesnt seem to help, so they think, its because theyre too tolerant towards Christians and other non-believers Fundamental Islamism answers all questions, that's why young people are so much attracted to it.

Muslims say, Christianity is only another comforting thing in life for Western people, while their faith demands sacrifices and there are more and more people even in countries like France and Germany, who convert to Islam. Apparently Islam is more appealing to people, that's why it was able to spread so rapidly. From the oasis cities of Makkah and Madinah in the Arabian desert, the message of Islam went forth with electrifying speed. Within half a century of the Mohamed's death, Islam had spread to three continents. Interesting enough Islam never imposed itself forcibly, it was mean of uniting Arabic tribes and bringing them under one rule, but it never practiced genocidal policies towards conquered people, on basis of their faith, except one time 1915 against Armenians, in Ottoman Empire.

The essence of Islam is unquestionable obedience of its followers, but it is not quite as life-denying as Christianity is. There are a lot of similarities between Bible in Quran in both Holy books God is proclaimed to be omnipotent, merciful and just, but what is most important and what really matters intolerant. The only reward of those, who wage war against ALLAH and HIS Messenger and strive to create disorder in the land, is that they be slain or crucified or their hands and feet be cut off on account of their enmity, or they be expelled from the land. That shall be a disgrace for them in this world, and in the Hereafter they shall have a great punishment (Quran 5: 34). It almost sounds the same as teachings of Christian God: But God shall wound the head of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in his trespasses. The Lord said, I will bring again from Bashan, I will bring my people again from the depths of the sea: That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine enemies, and the tongue of thy dogs in the same".

(Psalms 68: 21-23). The history of Christian and Islamic relations is a history of many wars and of a great deal of misunderstanding. Unfortunately, there is still much tension remains between too religions. But its clear to all civilized people that the militant Islam is bound to fail sooner or later itll signify the whole religion beginning to decline, as it happened to Christianity long time ago.

Two doctrines were able to strive because of capitalizing on peoples weaknesses and their superstitions. Yet, there are also some positive aspects about Christianity and Islam. Quran encourages people to study during the Reconquista in Spain, advancing Christians used to discover an observatories in towns that were left by Arabs. The streets were all equipped with night-lights, which only became a standard in European cities in nineteenth century.

When it comes to Christianity, we can say that many Christians have shown an extraordinary courage and kindness, helping people in need. Even now, many followers of Christ are being more trustworthy and decent than atheists, but it comes rather from not having read the Bible than from strict following of Jesus commandments. To conclude this, we can say that the less there is religious fanaticism the easier it is for people from different cultures to understand each other and to cooperate, making this world a better place. This has to be kept in mind, if Christians and Muslims want to be able to coexist peacefully.


Cunningham, Lawrence and Reich, John. Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume I. 5th edition. Wadsworth Press / Thomson Learning, 2002.
Quran, authorized English version. Universal unity, 1992 Shaffer, Ingrid.
Henri Matisse. Harry N. Abrams. Incorporated, New York, 1998.
Romer, John. Testament: The Bible and History. Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1998.
The Holy Bible. American Bible Society, New York, 1976.