Possible Treatment Of Add Subject example essay topic
But the educational setting is the easier place in which assessment and treatment can take place. Nowadays the most popular intervention in cases of ADD is through the use of medications (stimulant, antidepressant, tranquilizers and medicines). Sometimes educational coping strategies, biofeedback and psychotherapy are used too. At times, no treatment is given at all out of the assumption that the problem 'will go away' by itself when the student will 'grow out of it'.
Recent research suggests that ADD symptoms do not disappear with age, especially when no treatment was used: 'As adults they [the formerly ADD children] often experience difficulties in interpersonal relationships leading to a high rate of divorce, difficulty in holding jobs, and decreased potential for professional advancement' (Lubar, 1985). In spite of the many existing coping strategies it seems that there is still place for more directions in the treatment of ADD. Not taking away from the effectiveness of medicine, it could be advantageous to find another method that achieved the same goal without the side effects of chemical agents (both physical and psychological). Or in the case of educational strategies - without the enormous effort and manpower involved in learning, developing and teaching the various strategies. A more effective, side effect free and cheap strategy is needed. Electroencephalogram (EEG), Brain Waves and ADD The electroencephalogram, or in short EEG (literally 'writings of electricity from the head'), is a measurement method for the electrical activity of the nervous system.
EEG measurement is performed by attaching macro electrodes to various parts of the skull and recording the electrical activity of the brain in these areas. The various activity levels of the brain are defined as brain waves and divided into four basic groups according to wavelength. Delta waves range between 0-4 Hz, Theta waves range between 4-8 Hz, Alpha waves range between 8-13 Hz and Beta waves are greater than 13 Hz. Alpha waves are typical of states of quiet rest, none particular activity and sometimes when the eyes are closed.
Beta waves are typical of states of alertness, attentiveness or active thinking. Beta waves appear also in the REM sleep stage along with Theta waves while the other sleep stages are characterized by Theta and Delta brain activity. Many researchers noted a discrepancy between the EEG of subjects with learning disabilities or ADD and normal subjects. Typically, the ADD subjects were characterized by brain activity on the slower end of the frequency spectrum 'The most important characteristic is either an excessive amount of theta activity, a lack of beta activity or a combination of these' (Lubar, 1985. The existence of such differences suggests the usage of EEG recording as a good diagnostic tool in the assessment of ADD and Learning Disabilities. Lubar does not differentiate between LD and ADD subjects but as the focus of this paper is on treatment of ADD I will limit my to the results of ADD subject without im lying anything about effects on LD subjects.
On that note, some work was also done in the last decades on using brain activity modification as a treatment tool for ADD. Biofeedback as Treatment for ADD As mentioned in the previous section, ADD is characterized by a different brain wave activity than the norm. In this section I will discuss the recent work done on treatment of ADD by the manipulation of brain wave activity mainly through the use of biofeedback but also through the use of meditation and relaxation strategies. Biofeedback, [is] a technique by which patients monitor their own bodily functions in an attempt to alter those functions. Primarily used in treating painful or stress-related conditions, biofeedback helps a patient control physiological processes that are normally considered involuntary. In biofeedback training, electronic or mechanical instruments attached to the patient measure physical functioning, such as the degree of muscle tension.
The machines then transform this information into amplified signals that the patient can hear or see-for example, a beep or a flashing light-thus enabling the patient to know when internal responses are abnormal. This feedback information can then guide the patient in trying to gain control over the internal condition. (Microsoft Encarta, 1995). Biofeedback is used mainly in the field of medicine but also in the field of psychology in the treatment of disturbed behavior that has a physical basis. Substantial work on biofeedback as treatment for ADD was and is done by J.F. Lubar, a professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Lubar made a connection between his belief that ADD has a neurological basis and the affects of biofeedback treatment on attention.
This connection led him to experiments in the treatment of ADD through the use of biofeedback, which usually proved successful. The main objective of the biofeedback treatment was to increase levels of beta activity and decrease the levels of theta activity in the brain of the ADD subjects. In his articles Lubar reports highly successful results: 'Six children were provided with long term biofeedback and academic treatment... All six children demonstrated considerable improvement in their schoolwork in terms of grades and achievements test scores. None of the children are currently on any medications for hyper kinetic behavior' 'We have found that for each year of feedback training, there is approximately a 2.5 year increase in overall grade level performance, with some subjects improving as much as four years' (Lubar, 1985).
Finally, in his article from 1991, Lubar reviews 15 years of biofeedback treatment with ADD subjects describing different treatment techniques, various results and finally suggesting ideas for further work and research. Taney and Bruner (1983) also describe a case study of a 23 months long biofeedback treatment of a 10 year old child with ADD. The child was treated both with aphid (EMG) biofeedback and with sensorimotor (SMR) biofeedback. The treatment results show that: 'The learned reduction of monitored EMG levels was accompanied by a reeducation in the child's motor activity level to below that which had been achieved by past administration of Ritalin. In addition, the attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity was no longer diagnosable following the EMG biofeedback training... These results remain unchanged, as ascertained by follow-ups conducted over a 24-month period subsequent to the termination of biofeedback training' The Use of Hypnosis for Brain Wave Manipulation Hypnosis may be defined as a social interaction in which one person (designated the subject) responds to suggestions offered by another person (designated the hypnotist) for experiences involving alternation in perception, memory, and voluntary action.
In the classic case, these experiences and their accompanying behaviors are associated with subjective convictions bordering on delusions, and involuntariness bordering on compulsion. (Kihlestrom 1985, pp. 385-86 in Atkinson et al 1993). Hypnosis is used nowadays in some cases as part of psychotherapy and as an alternative way to control pain. The control of pain through hypnosis is administered in several different ways.
Some only include a state of light hypnosis while others combine light hypnosis with a form of biofeedback. In some cases the therapist guides the hypnotized subject through a process in which the subject creates his own tools to fight the pain. Sometimes the therapist employs the usage of 'positive scenes' in which the patient visualizes himself in pleasant situation in which he is free of pain. All in all the hypnosis therapy is very individual and varies both among therapists and among subjects.
The result of the hypnotic treatment is that the subject learns how to control some of his pain. From the EEG point of view the brain waves pattern changes, shifting towards the alpha waves. While beta waves heighten the perception of pain, alpha waves suppress and inhibit the feeling of pain and thus by controlling what appears to be also a change in the wave length, the subject controls the pain. The results of a study done by Melzack and Perry (1975) suggest an increase of alpha waves after a treatment with hypnosis. It is important to note that the best results were achieved when combining the hypnotic treatment with a form of alpha-feedback. When only alpha-feedback was administered there was no significant change in the pain level.
The changes that occurred in brain activity were still present 4-6 months after the conclusion of the treatment. Subjects continued to use the tools learned during the treatment whenever there was a need to decrease pain. The possibility to manipulate alpha brain waves through hypnosis to reduce pain brings up the question of manipulating different brain waves in order to achieve different goals. Conclusion Not much research has gone into the fields of biofeedback and brain waive length. The same can be said for hypnosis.
To the best of my knowledge there has not been any research into hypnosis in the context of a possible substitution or augmentation of the biofeedback training. This is especially important in my opinion when contrasted with the large amount of research done in the pharmaceutical related treatments of ADD. All in all, it seems like on one hand there is a need for alternative treatments for ADD and on the other hand, there are some promising related fields of research in which much more work can be done with a good chance for positive results. As suggested in the sections above, ADD can be characterized by certain brain lengths. A change in those brain waves can repress ADD symptoms as done by biofeedback treatment. Hypnosis is another way in which brain waves can be manipulated.
Could it be therefore suggested that the use of hypnosis for the manipulation of brain waves could serve as possible treatment for ADD symptoms? The possible treatment of ADD subject using hypnosis has many advantages over the existing treatments. Unlike medicine, this kind of treatment does not carry physical side effects and is not addictive, hypnosis can eventually be self administered after a while and there is no need to go on with the treatment indefinitely. Unlike biofeedback, hypnosis does not require expensive equipment. On the other hand, hypnosis can only be administered by highly specialized personnel while biofeedback requires less specialized personnel and not as much constant supervision.
Thanks to the lack of need for equipment hypnosis could even be administered in schools. As the idea of hypnosis as treatment for ADD is only an hypothesis of mine, I cannot supply a clear idea of the exact procedure. This would have to be developed along with the development of the treatment technique itself. This only emphasizes how much there is still to learn about this hypothesis in order to be able to asses its possible merits and application better.
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